it would suck if they didnt chose that designe i mean it will
Yasin why will the new Turkish mbt named Altay, that we are yet to see, thats undergoing and many of us dont have extreme details of its technology, capability and even what it looks like "suck" if the private concept you are referring to shown in this thread as an example was not to be the Altay?
What do you know of the developments of the Altay Tank?
What do you know of the multitude of the design concepts we see in the Turkish media including the one shown here?
How do you compare what you know and claim that it will "suck"?
Instead of posting coments just to post a comment and raising your post count pls contribue with your intellectual assest.
I'm sure its not just me as a Turk getting annoyed with such non-sensical postings but anyone and everyone that clicks on a thread to read/learn/get an insight into something they are interested in.
I dont mean to be rude, and I apoligize if reading this is a bit harsh, but this is for all of us, pls lets all pay some attention to this.
(im sorry i guess im grumpy today)