
Salty Dog

Defense Professional
Verified Defense Pro
Beleg where will they fit 64 cell VLS on Meko Frigates?

Salty Dog, does the Ticonderoga have the similar structural problems as the Spruance?
The Ticonderoga class have bulkier aluminum superstructures to house all the Aegis electronics and arrays. I am sure they sufferred the same fate with superstructure cracking as well as the OHP class frigates.

The DDG-51 Arleigh Burkes are now all steel.

Sea Toby

New Member
Aluminum burns and melts at a lower temperature. The Americans learned their lesson with the USS Belknap incident, and the British learned their lesson during the Falklands war. The Belknap had to have its entire superstructure rebuilt.


New Member
I didn't know about the quadpack ESSM, MK25s if indeed Turkey gets them it will give Meko's huge defence capability,


New Member
Aluminum burns and melts at a lower temperature. The Americans learned their lesson with the USS Belknap incident, and the British learned their lesson during the Falklands war. The Belknap had to have its entire superstructure rebuilt.
So I assume all of the latter ships are built with steel structures, Belknap was because of a collision with JFK if I remember correctly?


New Member
Exactly my mistake .. its the quad pack VLS with 64 missiles....

stupid memory malfunction :lul

The last 2 Mekos of Track II already have the VLS equipped. The first 2 ships were fitted but not with. They will soon have the VLS installed. All of the TrackIIs will use ESSM in a few years. Track Is will keep using octople NSSM launchers.


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I was under the impression they do, along with the same feedwater pumps issues with their gas turbines. And I have read and heard the Arleigh Burkes have bow problems due to slamming, which will need to be strengthened during the mid life refits.
Those problems have been overstated and they are in the process of being fixed.

Sea Toby

New Member
I believe that is the case as far as warships, combatants. Patrol boats, well at least the Island class, do have aluminium superstructures. I'm not sure about the other non combatant ships. And I have not researched this with the new LCS ships, they may have aluminium superstructures.

Since the cruisers were newer, their issues are being addressed, but the older Spruances were stricken instead. Their comes a point in the calculations were sometimes ships are too old to fix, whereas other newer ships will be.


New Member
I believe many missile boat are actually made of FRP, at least the Visby is. This is a trade off. Of course you really cannot expact these ships that are made of aluminim or RFP to be as tough as those that are made of steel.


New Member
The USN Seafighter and th PLAN Type 022 Houbei are all made of aluminum, possibly with some FRP on the superstructure.


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Remembers Sheffield...This is simply unbelieveable... Building a combat ship of frigate size to counter SSK's, small boats armed with whatever the OPFOR can afford ranging from RPG's to ATGM's, almost every kind of naval mines and yet designing it with aluminum.

Simply unbelievable...
sorry mate it wasn't Sheffield that was aluminum it was the T21 Ardent and the other ships Type 21


New Member
You are right, I confused both types. Type 42 is of steel construction.

But I stand my ground on the LCS issue :p


Defense Professional
Verified Defense Pro
FFG 7 had a steel hull and aluminium superstructure.

Not sure it makes much difference with ships that size, 1 hit is usually a mission kill steel or aluminium, and in the case of USS Stark (FFG 31) the ship was saved almost entirely because of the conditions regarding the hit.

Conditions determined the fate of the Ardent as well, she was hit by 11 bombs in 3 attacks, 5 bombs of which exploded. Sorry, but she simply isn't big enough to survive that kind of attack, and steel wouldn't have mattered.

Sea Toby

New Member
Much like the video of the former HMAS Torrens. She was sunk quickly by one Mk 48 submarine torpedo which broke her back. She was of steel construction at 3000 tons displacement. With small ships steel doesn't matter much.

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pBSixrh4G_4"]YouTube - Sinking of HMAS Torrens[/ame]