...Thanks everyone for the corrections !
If we're talking OPV's for export, have VT not flogged some to Greece, or where they built their? Or were they just acting is integrator ??
Galrahn, I can understand why you mention UVX, (a "be all things to all men" design), but believe that design is probably 3 - 5 years away from being a build-able ship.
So the French have pulled out ??
...& you think only 1 CVF will be built ??
Think that the designers & builders, who are now in partnership with UK MoD, & have aligned business goals & outputs to match these demands, may beg to differ.
UK Govt Demanded (not asked), these private sector businesses align to the MoD songbook, not the other way around. Have a feeling that there are a few clauses in the contracts that mean UK MoD / Govt, CAN'T back out & they have to build 2 ships.
That may explain some of the delay as, as partners, they thrash out a solution about how to slow the build program to meet Govt budgets for the project, pushing the in-service date to the right & assisting the F-35B program to get the extra wiggle room it needs to perfect the build & testing program, before they go into full production.
Then again, I could be talking a pile of pish-posh !
...Only time will prove me right or wrong.
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