Ozzy Blizzard
New Member
Geesh... Think for yourself on this one eh? F35's A2A capabilities may be 'secondary' but that deosent mean they will be inferior to a 4.5 gen platform that was a long way from a world beater in the first place. Think about the effect of VLO, AESA and first class offenceive EA (electronic attack) capability, vs a legacy airframe with les sophoitocated avionics and external payload. Theres a difference betwen what you want to beleive and whats reasonable. What exactly are you baseing this fantasy on? Thats its a "bomber", its no such thing, they called it Joint Strike Fighter for a reason. Gripen holds NO realistic advantages of any weight over the F-35 so how on earth is it going to be a better air superiority fighter? Remeber F-16's A2A capability was secondary aswell, you think an upgraded MiG 21 would stand a chance??? No friggin way...aussie digger i doubt F-35 will be superior EF in air 2 air yes..
why? because no one have said it will be, and where ever i go, doesnt matter if i´s, LM or usaf webpage, all say the same, F-35 is a strike fighter with secondary air 2 air capabilities, and i don´t think EU, are so far behind USA that even their own Bomb plane are superior Europas best air 2 air fighter..
but like you, i can only assume.. and like you, i can be wrong!!
@ Oryx....
AD did clearly state that said numbers were no were near accurate and were only achieved by some "back of the napkin" stuff which could only give a reough indication at best. Your only repeating what he said himself. Therefore whats your point?
As for the rule rant, perhaps you should look at the purpose of said rules. i.e. 1 lines seem to be ok as long as they contribute something, rather then them being that magic number one. If someone askes a direct question that only requires a one line answer then thats seems to be acceptable, just not the whole 'yeah i like that one too' post. Anyway who was "compleatly disrespectfull" towards an author? As for off topic, well we are still talking about gripen which i would argue is close enough. In fact some exapmles of breaches of rules 15 & 22 would be nice if you wanna make a stink about it?
Anyway i'm not a mod so i dont know but this is pretty much the way i found things opperate.
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