Aussi Digger,
ehm ok i might have lack of knowledge, but the only thing you can do, is to assume, you can never back it up with facts before F-35s tries to gain airsupiority over an airspace that is protected by gripen NG.
until then, i keep my guirilla army with "bees" Gripen, and you can keep your "bombtruck" F-35

fear enough!
I have provided plenty of facts. I even provided the details of the engine your beloved almight Gripen NG will most likely use, which you seemed unaware of despite your unsupported boasting...
Here is another one for you however.
No matter what is done to the Gripen, short of "starting again" building an LO design from the ground up (and simply calling it Gripen), as L-M have done with the F-35, it will always possess a significant capability advantage over the Gripen and indeed every other Euro-Canard, teen series fighter or current generation Russian, Chinese and Indian fighters.
For the type of LO inherent in the F-35 to be "overcome" you must assume that LO technology is also incapable of evolving to address new threats. Yet the design principles inherent behind LO "treatments" and "measures" allow for adaptability. Find GF's treatise on the history of "LO" in aircraft and hopefully you will see what I mean.
Now even if some new technology is developed, proven and deployed and ANY LO measure (because radar cross section reduction measures are only ONE type of LO reduction inherent in "stealth" aircraft) is rendered useless, you STILL have a fighter aircraft with outstanding thrust, excellent agility and maneuverability, an aerodynamically "clean" airframe, thanks to it's internal weapons bays, an outstanding fuel fraction, the best avionics and sensor fits that the USA can develop, the best weapons fit the USA can come up with, an excellent support base, outstanding reliability and "availability".
All in an aircraft that is likely to be cheaper than it's competitors...
Unfortunately you don't seem satisfied with the fact that Sweden and other forces have a good capable air combat aircraft with an excellent upgrade path ahead of it and need to try and make it into something it is not...