Japanese New Tank TKX


Defense Professional
Verified Defense Pro
Because of that good tanks have a binocular eyepiece... ;) :D

And thanks for the infos about the ammo! :)


New Member
Admin: Text deleted. You are way out of line. Read the Forum Rules. Esp the ones relating to respect. Both of the individuals you seek to malign have established and demonstrated competency. You on the other hand have wandered in and started a "drive by" based on some perceived association to commentary being eugenics based.

Lift your game. 2nd Formal warning issued.

Im sorry but this tank is a joke, and I find it amusing that swerve and you are praising it 5 times per page.
Its far more than percieved. They are blatant anti-Korean, pro-Japanese. Not only on these forums but on all the major ones. People should know.


New Member
What does Korea have to do with this discussion, your comments are suspect. If that is your opinion of me then that is okay, you are entitled to think what you want. :)
Nothing really. But i like how you are praising a tank that is still in prototype. Looking at it from an objective point of view the tank is a joke.

Medium armor is better than heavy? I'm sure the US military are a bunch of idiots more so the rest of the world.

"The crude state was mentioned due to the lifting points on the armor and the rubber pads missing from the tank track. Knowing Japan, when they unvale the completed package then we will see one darn good package, just look at what they did with the Type 90 design."

T-90 was a copy of the Leopard A2. So what did exactly did they achieve with the t-90?

The tkx looks like a mirror image of the leclerc.

I love how you absolutely bash the Korean tank, when someone calls you on it, you claim you have family in Korea, and then turn around and praise the Japanese.

You and swerve are full of it.


The Bunker Group
Verified Defense Pro
Its far more than percieved. They are blatant anti-Korean, pro-Japanese. Not only on these forums but on all the major ones. People should know.
Hmm - On all major ones, again your comments are suspect. You have never heard Swerve or myself make a so called anti Korean statement on this forum, your dislike for the Japanese is seething with your comments, you are upset with me because I have made comments towards the XK2 that doesn`t fit your agenda even though I have stated that it is a good tank, again please leave all of this rubbish out of this thread before it gets closed. If you have anything that you would like to add inregards to the XK2 please take it to that thread.


New Member
I like the design of the vehicle and it fits a nice niche which many countries may be interested in purchasing.

For all those who say it is copies of other designs, well if something works, why not use it instead of re-inventing the wheel. Anyways, besides possibly the rumored Russian T-95 which may have an unmanned turret, most turreted designs will have many similar features.

Anyone know if it will also use an active defense system?



The Bunker Group
Verified Defense Pro
I like the design of the vehicle and it fits a nice niche which many countries may be interested in purchasing.

For all those who say it is copies of other designs, well if something works, why not use it instead of re-inventing the wheel. Anyways, besides possibly the rumored Russian T-95 which may have an unmanned turret, most turreted designs will have many similar features.

Anyone know if it will also use an active defense system?

Most likely will have soft and hard kill systems, what they will go with though is most likely pure speculation at this point due with the vehicle being a proto type platform.