I've taken the step of copying my last post from the RMN thread, so that you have a baseline for discussions.
Hope you don't mind
Systems Adict
"I think that this will be a big project that will require you to do a lot of research, especially on-line, at various OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturers) websites.
Here are some links to start looking at for information...
Think about the layout of the equipment.
How will you group things / lay them out?
What systems do you
have to include?
What systems do you
not need/would be nice to have?
Do you have to go down the Military route ? What about the commercial equipment these companies offer ?? (costs may be cheaper !)
Have another look at the Raytheon site again (page 4 of the PDF), examine the black line drawing of the equipment layout. Think about why it has been done this way.
Some of the things you will have to consider in your design are in the text below...
General Ship operation :
Throttle control & Autopilot, Fuel management, ballast & fluid controls (Data inputs (pressures/temperatures/volumes & flows) to manage HP & LP Sea Water / Black & Grey Water systems / LP & HP Air/ Hotel Services including Fresh water & Domestic hot water), Alarms & warnings (Fire Fighting & Fire suppression / Door control & monitoring throughout the ship) Navigation & Warning lights (including the ability to switch from White to Red lights for sailing at night).
From a more Naval point of view...
Navigation Radar & it's requirements / capabilities (does it need inputs from GPS/DGPS, Gyro Compass & Magnetic compass as a back up??).
AIS / Echo Sounder / Magnetic Compass / GPS.
Do you require ECDIS (Integrated Marine chart systems that can be displayed / overlayed (electronically) with live radar pictures.
Your communications suite : V/UHF comms, GMDSS, Inmarsat B/C or Loran C, to replace older Decca/Transit navigator systems, Fax & satellite telephone, Voyage Data recorder (the spy on the bridge, as it can be set up to record all voice commands/orders, as well as data inputs from helm /throttle controls).
Finally, paper charts. Do you want the Navigator to have the facility to be facing fwd, looking at his chart, then look directly up & out a fwd bridge window ??
These are only
SOME of the things you will have to take into account, (it's not a definitive list !).
You will also have to look at possibly how long the ship will be out of service while this work is being undertaken, (probably about 1 year !), & costs versus life left in the ship (will a ship that is say 15 years old, be able to last another 10-15 years in the new configuration / will it be worth while ?).
There are also other factors....
Structure constraints: Number of windows(which will affect the width of the consoles, height (the space below the floor & whether it will affect overall head clearance), height of the consoles & whether they will block some of the viewing area, systems that cannot be moved (possibly pipework from things like window washers & pre-wetting systems & whether they will affect the depth of the units & thus the available floor area within the bridge??), additional weight of all this equipment & whether the general structure can bear it / is strong enough.
Practical management / constraints:
Is there enough surplus power supply availability within the power generation system, never mind enough spare slots in existing fuse panels within the vicinity of the bridge.
Do you have the right power generation facilities? (115v AC / 24v DC / 115v - 400Hz supplies, rather than just 240v / 440v AC)
Cable runs & separation of specialist signal / supply cables, as well as actual space through transit glands in the cable runs.
This list is not everything, but should cover most of the ground that you may want to research / discuss with your lecturer.
At this point, I think it may be worth your while starting a new Topic / Thread (possibly in the General Military Defence section), as depending on how much information you want to research on this subject / your lecturers point of view, you may need to conduct a lot of discussions with others within this site.
I hope that this will help & not put you off undertaking the task.
Kindest regards,
Systems Adict
...Have you considered writing to the RMN, going to Lemut Naval base to see if it's possible to get a tour of the bridge of the vessel your researching, as well as one of their newer vessels (the Meko's or one of the Lekiu's), while discussing / listening to their thoughts on what you're doing??
Nothing ventured, nothing gained...."