I think the swedish side would argue that while there were inefficiencies and problems - something to be expected in any larger development work like this - the main problems were not swedish submarine building proficiencies, testified by the simple fact that sweden has and are producing some of this planets finest and most sophisticated attack subs, submarines that f.ex. the USN leases when they want to test their ASW cababilities against "emerging threaths" and ships that over the years have beensuccesfully exported to a number of customers, but more likely that the Australien partners weren't up to the task at hand.
Australia seems to have had some bad experiences with the first bow delivered from Kockums for their (then) new Collin class submarines. I've tried to find some Swedish papers on why that bow was so miserably welded but so far not succeeding in finding anything from the Swedish (Kockums) side.
I wonder if it was happening at that same time when Kockums was bought up? But reading
http://www.aph.gov.au/library/pubs/RP/2001-02/02RP03.htm#what the whole Collin program seems to have had a troublesome beginning,.to say the least. But their subs seems good, and have proved themselves against the US navy too, as I understands it. We are not the only navy with silent subs
But we are the ones 'sneaking around' for a whole year in American waters without detection

And that's good news for our Swedish submarine industry I think.
What I understand as being the main problem for the Us submarines is the cooling system (pumps) and cavitation in their nuclear subs, but I've got the impression that they mostly have succeeded in adjusting those problems?
As for Germany and Sweden building submarines together? Depends on how one mean. Germany have their concept of how they want their submarines to behave, we have another. The amount of 'insight' they have in Swedish technology should be strictly regulated, but as we build similar vessels there must be some 'crossbreeding' just as it was/is with Gripen. Btw: Kockums AB, is owned by the German shipyard HDW, who in turn is owned by Thyssen Krupp and the American investment bank OEP through the Company Thyssen Krupp Marine Systems so there seems to be a lot shared if so