I've been doing some research on the F-35 lately and for some reason I can't get over the fact that most sites say the F-35 can only carry 2 AMRAAM's internally and 2 AIM-9's on the wing tips. Now I know there are two 2500lbs and two 5000lbs stations externally on the wing pylons but can they carry AMRAAMs or just bombs? If that is the case then the Air Force really needs to find a way to fit 6 AMRAAMs internally because theres no way the USAF can achieve air dominance with only 187 F-22s. If the F-35 can only carry two AMRAAMs then they will only be for self-defense for only one engagement unless they can carry more. I find that a little scary but I hope I'm wrong. Does someone know anything about this?
The F-35 will not carry "wing tip" air to air missiles as this would compromise it's LO measures significantly. Each F-35 variant will be capable of mounting 3x hard points under each wing. I imagine these hardpoints will be wired and stressed to carry various combinations of A2A and A2G munitions.
The F-35 will also operate 2x internal weapons bays. These internal bays will each contain 1x hardpoint and 1x missile rail.
On present plans each internal bay will be capable of carrying various operational loads.
On the F-35A/C These include:
2x 2000lbs class (Mk 84 bombs, GBU-10 LGB's, GBU-31 JDAM's, AGM-154A/C JSOW) munitions with 1x 2000lbs munition per bay
1x AIM-120C/D AMRAAM missile per bay. Total being : 2x bombs and 2x AMRAAM on internal bays alone.
This is the "operational configuration" used when ranges, performance etc of the aircraft is discussed and is therefore considered the "standard configuration".
This does not mean that is the LIKELY operational configuration, just one possibility used to ensure some sort of baseline for statistics.
The JSF project office has confirmed that each F-35 variant will be capable of carrying up to 4x AMRAAM missiles or 2x AMRAAM and 2x WVR (AIM-9X Sidewinder or AIM-132 ASRAAM missiles) on it's internal hardpoints and rails from the aircraft's introduction into service.
The project office has also stated that studies to increase the internal air to air missile carrying capability of the F-35 are being conducted. Given the internal bays are both longer and wider than the F-22's weapons bay, greater A2A missile carriage is not only likely but probable. However separation testing will comprise a big part of F-35 weapons testing as dropping weapons from an internal weapons bay, particularly at supersonic speeds is no trivial matter, from all reports...
The F-35 will be a very capable air to air performer. On strike missions, legacy jets only carry 2x AMRAAM's on usual missions and it's typical to match strikers with "escorts" on current missions.
The F-35 will be lucky enough to be one of the few jets truly capable of doing both simultaneously...