Grand Danois
All this Assassins Mace stuff that Chinese scholars discuss has one major failure point: They cannot be done without doing a mainforce event, which is what they try to avoid with these strategies in the first place.They will also counter USAF!-
Hypothetical attack on U.S. outlined by China
But there is really nothing new here!
They identify the objectives correctly, but lack the means to do it in a compressed, persistent & packaged manner, which their thinking fail or avoid to address properly in their literature. I suspect because it would be an admission of weakness.
They also do not appreciate American perception on self and mythology, Pearl Harbor being a point. As the article paraphases RAND, RAND paraphases the scholars (but do not acknowledge its validity):
Because the American public is “abnormally sensitive” about military casualties, according to an article in China’s Liberation Army Daily, killing U.S. airmen or other personnel would spark a “domestic anti-war cry” on the home front and possibly force early withdrawal of U.S. forces. (“The U.S. experience in Somalia is usually cited in support of this assertion,” according to the Rand report.) Once this hard-and-fast assault on U.S. bases commenced, the Chinese army would “swiftly divert” its forces and “guard vigi
It is an example of wishful thinking and assuming too much.
Threat hyping.
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