Russia Tests New Wonder Weapon


New Member
Vietnam and Mogadishu are on opposite corners of the earth, unpopular wars that the public and many a soldier did not want to fight due to few clear objectives. Chechnya on the other hand is right in Russia's backyard, it literally is inside Russia and is a big slap in the face to the Russian government to have one of your own territories successfully engage the federal government on the battlefield. Much different situation, mobilization, intelligence, everything is made ten times easier for the Russians, yet it still took them a decade to establish a foothold, on their own soil.
"Chenchnya is on the opposite side of Russia, unpopular wars that the public and many a soldier did not want to fight due to few clear objectives." Believe me, that war was VERY unpopular. 90% soldiers couldnt understand why they should do anything when all mass-media tells Chechnya have right to indepence like, for example, Georgia or Moldavia. Corrupt generals supporting terrorists & separatists, no (zero) money for military, chaos inside russian goverement, strong foreign support for chechenian separatists... are you sure it is that much different from Vietnam? I'll say the situation with war popularity and goverement strengst was much worse in Russia back then than in USA vietnam era.

2nd war was already much different.
Russia is over-rated, huge military expenditure does not mean better army, and its not even huge, 20 billion a year or so.
Yes, yes. Many invaders thought exactly that. Did you actually learned the history?


New Member
We know the history!

"Chenchnya is on the opposite side of Russia, unpopular wars that the public and many a soldier did not want to fight due to few clear objectives." Believe me, that war was VERY unpopular. 90% soldiers couldnt understand why they should do anything when all mass-media tells Chechnya have right to indepence like, for example, Georgia or Moldavia. Corrupt generals supporting terrorists & separatists, no (zero) money for military, chaos inside russian goverement, strong foreign support for chechenian separatists... are you sure it is that much different from Vietnam? I'll say the situation with war popularity and goverement strengst was much worse in Russia back then than in USA vietnam era.

2nd war was already much different.

Yes, yes. Many invaders thought exactly that. Did you actually learned the history?
We Swedes took moscow 1610 and Novgorod 1611. We made one mistake 1709 when we somewhat underrated the russian army... The swedish army, almost 16 000 men, attacked the russian army, only about 40 000 men and to the surprise of the Swedish army, the lost. At Narva, 9 years earlier, a Swedish army of 8 140 men attacked a russian army consisting of about 37 000 men. Sweden lost 667 men in the battle and russia between 12000-18000 men. Tsar Peter left the place one day earlier for more "urgent" matters in moscow...:)
Soo, yeah, the russians are known for their great fighting spirit... or... well, more for their willingness to sacrifice their countrymen in wars (not them selves). :D Brave!!!

During WWII, the politrucks and officers were running behind thieir soldiers, shooting anyone that wanted to turn back :rolleyes: Well, in my world, an officer are an example and is leading his soldiers by being in the forefront.

No one thinks that russian soldiers are first class, not even second... But with indoctrination, proganda, falsification of history, you can get a people (russians/cossacks...) to actually believe that they are a great nation and that their soldiers actually are first class :D .

Grand Danois


Welcome to DT. You should have a look at the rules of this forum and stick to them. I'm thinking of no 8 in particular. Also, you are welcome to discuss ancient battles & wars, but not in thread with the topic title Russia Tests New Wonder Weapon.

Thank you


New Member
Got u


Welcome to DT. You should have a look at the of this forum and stick to them. I'm thinking of no 8 in particular. Also, you are welcome to discuss ancient battles & wars, but not in thread with the topic title Russia Tests New Wonder Weapon.

Thank you


Banned Member
IMO, they are real good at fighting each other-
..within months civil war broke out throughout Russia. For the next three years the country was devastated by civil strife, until by 1920 the Bolsheviks had finally emerged victorious.
-that's why their ancestors invited some Swedish nobles & their troops to rule over them to stop the mutual bloodletting, and later, the Mongols quickly overrun their divided land, and in winter!

The most effective fighting force they ever had were the Cossacks & guerillas (AKA "partisans").
The Russian partisan war against the armies of Napoleon began in 1812, after the defeat at the battle of Borodino and the occupation of Moscow. The partisans positioned themselves west of Moscow and fought from behind enemy lines, sometimes 200 km or more. Colonel Davidov became famous in the partisan war when he suggested to the Russian military commander Kutuzov to form a mounted unit behind enemy lines. Kutuzov authorized him 130 cavalrymen. In its first operation the unit succeeded in freeing convoys of prisoners and in taking enemy supplies, ammunition and cannon. Because of the participation of these freed prisoners and the weapons which they obtained, Davidov widened the scope of his activities against the French army and became an important factor in the war. Later, other units joined him in the fight behind enemy lines, until Napoleon’s retreat in October of 1812.
Today's Russians are, for the most part, of mixed blood ancestry- Slavs, Tartars, and many others. The Chechens and others who fight the Russian forces are partisans, i.e. guerillas now, and many are former Soviet Army soldiers. The 1st Chechen president, Mr. Dudaev, was former Soviet AF general , and was succeded by
Aslan Maskhadov, the former Soviet artillery officer who had been the main rebel military commander during the war. ..It is also doubtful whether Russia can crush the rebels by military force. They have killed a number of key rebel leaders in 2005 and 2006, but Chechnya's mountainous terrain is well-suited to guerrilla warfare.
The rebels stage small-scale attacks and ambushes on an almost daily basis. These are rarely reported outside Russia. ..
It has been known for years that Muslim volunteers have travelled to Chechnya to join the fight, reportedly after attending training camps in Afghanistan or Pakistan. ..One of the main field commanders, until his death in 2002 at the hands of Russian forces, was an Arab called Khattab - a veteran of the Afghan mujahideen war against the USSR.
With such "effective" army, they will have to hide behing their Topols, Bulavas & other "wonders" & proxies for the forseeble future!

US missile plan aims to encircle Russia’

“If we look at a map, it’s clear that all of it is concentrating around our borders,” he was quoted as saying. “Most likely in the near future we are going to hear about hundreds, and maybe even thousands, of interceptors in various regions of the planet, including Europe.”
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New Member
This is well known AJAX hypersonic scram-jet manuravle nuclear delivery vehicle. Its is tested and chosen among others and Topol-M and RS-24 missiles will be equiped by it starting from 2009.

Thiese systems are not for sale obiviously.


New Member

This is well known AJAX hypersonic scram-jet manuravle nuclear delivery vehicle. Its is tested and chosen among others and Topol-M and RS-24 missiles will be equiped by it starting from 2009.

Thiese systems are not for sale obiviously.

Where does this fit in???

Awang se

New Member
Verified Defense Pro
A little bird told me that a S-400 the Russian deployed in Belarus was modified to be able to shot down the US ABM interceptor during launch phase. can anyone confirm this?


New Member
A little bird told me that a S-400 the Russian deployed in Belarus was modified to be able to shot down the US ABM interceptor during launch phase. can anyone confirm this?
A little bee told me S-400 is not deployed in Belarus. A little bee also told me S-400 dont have operational long-range missile yet.


New Member
A little bird told me that a S-400 the Russian deployed in Belarus was modified to be able to shot down the US ABM interceptor during launch phase. can anyone confirm this?
That would be quite impressive if that's true.

A little bee told me S-400 is not deployed in Belarus. A little bee also told me S-400 dont have operational long-range missile yet.
IIRC, Belarus said it wants to buy the S-400 as soon as it becomes available. Also, where did you read that the S-400 is yet to have have operational long-range missiles? I thought the Russian were only working out the "kinks".


New Member
That would be quite impressive if that's true.

IIRC, Belarus said it wants to buy the S-400 as soon as it becomes available. Also, where did you read that the S-400 is yet to have have operational long-range missiles? I thought the Russian were only working out the "kinks".
Because long-range missile still not completed state trials as of last autumn. May be since then trials are successfully finished (or not), but there is no way these missilles could be produced in any number. There were no public reports about this missile accepted to service - so i assume it is still not fully ready.

Right now S-400 is limited to S-300PMU2 missile with ~250km range.