About rocket "Булава"="Bulava" it is known a little. However, according to its developers from the Moscow institute heating engineers, her(it) ТТХ substantially correspond(meet) to characteristics of a ballistic missile of ground basing РС-12М2 "Poplar - m". As a matter of fact "Bulava" is a sea variant of modernized "Poplar" which in the future becomes a basis of strategic nuclear forces of Russia.
Meanwhile development "Bulava" MEATH which specialized on ground rocket complexes, has engaged not from a good life. As " the Russian newspaper " writes, to institute have charged to create a sea complex after project ä-19М "Барк"="Bark" which was developed since 1986 has failed. Under the тактико-technical project of the Navy range of 34-ton rocket "Bark" should make 10-11 thousand kilometers.
Start of a ballistic missile _Topol-М_. A photo from a site
Start of a ballistic missile "Poplar - m". A photo from a site
Thus the rocket should bear(carry) the newest fighting blocks and apply new rocket fuel.
However during development and tests (under tests "Barka" the Navy has allocated all the same APL "Dmitry Donskoj") all over again it was found out, that designers have left for limits of allowable dimensions (because of it it was necessary to reconstruct АПЛ), and then, already during start-up, other lacks were opened also. In result in 1998 when the rocket was ready for 80 percent(interests), the project have closed, and MEATH in the urgent order began to create "Bulava", using the technologies developed for "Poplar".
Actually development of the sea sister of "Poplar" has one more reason - unification. Creation of a sea rocket with use of technologies overland will allow to simplify substantially their manufacture and service, and also to save on modernization. Besides the ballistic missile of distant radius of action in the future can become a basis for creation of the space carrier. In this case also it would be useful to be armed with close rockets on a design on which conversion it would be possible to throw all available resources. Manufacture of rockets "Bulava" will be developed(unwrapped) on ФГУП " Votkinsky a factory " where rockets "Poplar - m" are already made and there are all necessary capacities for the beginning manufactures.
"Poplar - m", as well as "Булава"="Bulava", possesses several unique properties. These rockets have been created in view of prospective opportunities of the American antimissile defense. First of all, they are very difficult for destroying on start. Right at the beginning of flight the usual ballistic missile is most vulnerable, as has not had time to gain speed yet.
However mid-flight твердотопливный the engine of the first step of "Poplar" (and "Bulava") is capable to disperse a rocket at once after start till such speed what to intercept her(it) at an initial stage of flight it will be impossible.
At other stages of flight these rockets also cannot be destroyed. Rockets are equipped with several tens auxiliary engines which allow them to maneuver actively during all flight. This property of "Poplar" and "Bulava" does not give an opportunity to interceptors "to aim" - to calculate a trajectory and to blow up in a point of a prospective presence(finding) of a rocket.
Actually a boundary "Poplar - m" and "Bulava" there are also differences. The starting weight of a ground rocket makes 47 tons, and sea - 30. Range of action of "Poplar" makes 10 thousand kilometers against eight thousand at "Bulava". However "Bulava" about ten hypersound nuclear blocks of individual prompting whereas "Poplar" is armed with only three warheads (plus two tens false purposes) are capable to bear(carry). Probably, the sizes of rockets (the exact data in a network it is not revealed) will differ also - dimensions of sea rockets are rigidly limited to the sizes of launchers АПЛ.
As to submarines "Bulava" it is intended for arms of the newest nuclear rocket carriers of the project 955 "Борей", capable to bear(carry) on such 12 rockets. "Borei" it is a new class of the Russian submarines which in the future should replace АПЛ projects 667 (Delta III and Delta IV) and 941 ("Shark" - Typhoon) which are deduced from structure of fleet. On the data for October, 2005, in structure of the Navy was six APL the project 667 Delta III, six modernized submarines Delta IV and two rocket carriers 941 projects "Shark" (Typhoon). Thus three Delta IV were under repair.
The first submarine of the project 955 "Jury Dolgoruky", which construction began in 1996, it will be launched at Severodvinsk factory "Sevmash" the next year. The beginning of completion of the second boat - "Alexander Nevskogo" - is planned to 2007. In total within the framework of this project it is planned to construct six submarines.
According to plans of Ministry of Defence, by 2010 in fighting structure of fleet will be 13 nuclear rocket submarines bearing(carrying) more of thousand of nuclear warheads. All nuclear АПЛ will be in structure of Northern fleet.
Meanwhile development "Bulava" MEATH which specialized on ground rocket complexes, has engaged not from a good life. As " the Russian newspaper " writes, to institute have charged to create a sea complex after project ä-19М "Барк"="Bark" which was developed since 1986 has failed. Under the тактико-technical project of the Navy range of 34-ton rocket "Bark" should make 10-11 thousand kilometers.
Start of a ballistic missile _Topol-М_. A photo from a site
Start of a ballistic missile "Poplar - m". A photo from a site
Thus the rocket should bear(carry) the newest fighting blocks and apply new rocket fuel.
However during development and tests (under tests "Barka" the Navy has allocated all the same APL "Dmitry Donskoj") all over again it was found out, that designers have left for limits of allowable dimensions (because of it it was necessary to reconstruct АПЛ), and then, already during start-up, other lacks were opened also. In result in 1998 when the rocket was ready for 80 percent(interests), the project have closed, and MEATH in the urgent order began to create "Bulava", using the technologies developed for "Poplar".
Actually development of the sea sister of "Poplar" has one more reason - unification. Creation of a sea rocket with use of technologies overland will allow to simplify substantially their manufacture and service, and also to save on modernization. Besides the ballistic missile of distant radius of action in the future can become a basis for creation of the space carrier. In this case also it would be useful to be armed with close rockets on a design on which conversion it would be possible to throw all available resources. Manufacture of rockets "Bulava" will be developed(unwrapped) on ФГУП " Votkinsky a factory " where rockets "Poplar - m" are already made and there are all necessary capacities for the beginning manufactures.
"Poplar - m", as well as "Булава"="Bulava", possesses several unique properties. These rockets have been created in view of prospective opportunities of the American antimissile defense. First of all, they are very difficult for destroying on start. Right at the beginning of flight the usual ballistic missile is most vulnerable, as has not had time to gain speed yet.
However mid-flight твердотопливный the engine of the first step of "Poplar" (and "Bulava") is capable to disperse a rocket at once after start till such speed what to intercept her(it) at an initial stage of flight it will be impossible.
At other stages of flight these rockets also cannot be destroyed. Rockets are equipped with several tens auxiliary engines which allow them to maneuver actively during all flight. This property of "Poplar" and "Bulava" does not give an opportunity to interceptors "to aim" - to calculate a trajectory and to blow up in a point of a prospective presence(finding) of a rocket.
Actually a boundary "Poplar - m" and "Bulava" there are also differences. The starting weight of a ground rocket makes 47 tons, and sea - 30. Range of action of "Poplar" makes 10 thousand kilometers against eight thousand at "Bulava". However "Bulava" about ten hypersound nuclear blocks of individual prompting whereas "Poplar" is armed with only three warheads (plus two tens false purposes) are capable to bear(carry). Probably, the sizes of rockets (the exact data in a network it is not revealed) will differ also - dimensions of sea rockets are rigidly limited to the sizes of launchers АПЛ.
As to submarines "Bulava" it is intended for arms of the newest nuclear rocket carriers of the project 955 "Борей", capable to bear(carry) on such 12 rockets. "Borei" it is a new class of the Russian submarines which in the future should replace АПЛ projects 667 (Delta III and Delta IV) and 941 ("Shark" - Typhoon) which are deduced from structure of fleet. On the data for October, 2005, in structure of the Navy was six APL the project 667 Delta III, six modernized submarines Delta IV and two rocket carriers 941 projects "Shark" (Typhoon). Thus three Delta IV were under repair.
The first submarine of the project 955 "Jury Dolgoruky", which construction began in 1996, it will be launched at Severodvinsk factory "Sevmash" the next year. The beginning of completion of the second boat - "Alexander Nevskogo" - is planned to 2007. In total within the framework of this project it is planned to construct six submarines.
According to plans of Ministry of Defence, by 2010 in fighting structure of fleet will be 13 nuclear rocket submarines bearing(carrying) more of thousand of nuclear warheads. All nuclear АПЛ will be in structure of Northern fleet.