in todays newspapers in sweden i read about the swedish goverment wishes to install a militray cop. between Sweden, Norway, Denmark and Finland. One of the first step should be to get Norway and Denmark to buy Gripen, with 3/4 countries owning gripen, sweden would like to open up the airspace and supervise the airspace together, there should also be joint training programs for pilots, and countries should also be able to lend pilots from eachother. A combined navy of Finland and Sweden should also start to raise and handle the controll of the baltic sea. Sweden also wants to merge the sweds defence univeristy with the norwegean. There might also be merged training facilities, for ex. a artillery school located in Finland. But the main focus with this Cop. would be to cordinate future militray equipment purchases. So the cost would be reduced and the supplies would be easier to acquier. Also militray industri projects should increase to benefit the industry
Some critics in sweden thing that this is a step to increase to defence spendings in the nordic armies and also a way for Sweden to join Nato.
I think this is a good step. The armed forces will get more material, for less money, and the nordic countires would also get stronger, and show some mussles to threats. This could also mean a better equiped force in peacekeeping mission, with better logistics, such as obtaing some bigger ships that have the ability to transport a brigade, such as a LHD or simarly, also a greater fleet of C130 and maby in the future A400M and C17, that Europe at the moment dos´t have in any great numbers. its also good for the military industry that can keep producing good products, that will have a larger market. To have the same core product but with a special touch to adjust to each counties needs.
note that this is only a proposal.
So what are your thoughts about this? you think its a good step for the future?
/edit - I have the link to the newpaper, but there is something wrong with it atm, so ill post it later today or tomorrow.
in todays newspapers in sweden i read about the swedish goverment wishes to install a militray cop. between Sweden, Norway, Denmark and Finland. One of the first step should be to get Norway and Denmark to buy Gripen, with 3/4 countries owning gripen, sweden would like to open up the airspace and supervise the airspace together, there should also be joint training programs for pilots, and countries should also be able to lend pilots from eachother. A combined navy of Finland and Sweden should also start to raise and handle the controll of the baltic sea. Sweden also wants to merge the sweds defence univeristy with the norwegean. There might also be merged training facilities, for ex. a artillery school located in Finland. But the main focus with this Cop. would be to cordinate future militray equipment purchases. So the cost would be reduced and the supplies would be easier to acquier. Also militray industri projects should increase to benefit the industry
Some critics in sweden thing that this is a step to increase to defence spendings in the nordic armies and also a way for Sweden to join Nato.
I think this is a good step. The armed forces will get more material, for less money, and the nordic countires would also get stronger, and show some mussles to threats. This could also mean a better equiped force in peacekeeping mission, with better logistics, such as obtaing some bigger ships that have the ability to transport a brigade, such as a LHD or simarly, also a greater fleet of C130 and maby in the future A400M and C17, that Europe at the moment dos´t have in any great numbers. its also good for the military industry that can keep producing good products, that will have a larger market. To have the same core product but with a special touch to adjust to each counties needs.
note that this is only a proposal.
So what are your thoughts about this? you think its a good step for the future?
/edit - I have the link to the newpaper, but there is something wrong with it atm, so ill post it later today or tomorrow.