If the ADF wants to increase recruitment and retainment standard six year contracts with the option of re-upping for 1,2, 4 or 6 years contracts.
Allow long hair.
Only during basic training are you required to have a "shaved" crew cut style haircut. You can have longer hair later in your service, though a neat appearance is always required.
And have your respirator seal wonderfully too, eh?
Again, a neat appearance is required and is hardly a significant burden. If you TRULY must have facial hair, you can always join the RAN which has a more relaxed attitude towards facial hair than other services.
Less stringent standards on tattoo’s.
You'll find PLENTY of servicemen who have a large number of tatts....
50 days holiday periods apart from weekend leave.
Learn what the letters BRL stand for.
Less stringent requirement on criminal matters.
How about those with criminal records or those planning to do so, take some responsibility for their own actions? It is Government policy across the breadth of Government to not accept those with certain criminal convictions.
Not all "criminal records" automatically exclude you from ADF service, but they are certainly taken into account.
Less stringent requirements on recreational drug matters.
Once again, how about taking responsibility for your own actions? If you want to be in ADF, don't take drugs. Take your pick, it's not exactly rocket science.
Free education for their off-spring.
Free education is available for everybody in Australia already. Can they somehow make it free'er?
Allowing women to be involved in direct combat.
No problems with this, provided women CAN demonstrably meet the same physical standards as men employed in infantry, artillery, armour and specwarops roles.
A trial of women in Spec-Ops.
Again, provided they can demonstrably maintain the same physical standards as men, I don't have a problem with it. However I don't expect many are up to the challenge, not many men are afterall, even fewer women are going to be suitable.
Lifting the age for recruitment into Spec-Ops
There is no set age for recruitment into SOCOMD units that I am aware of. However the nature, discipline, physical capacity and maturity of those recruited into SOCOMD, generally result in slightly older soldiers. There is no technical reason why an 18 year old couldn't meet the requirements for SOCOMD, but for a variety of reasons, is unlikely to happen.
A direct recruitment of Women and men of non-Anglo Saxon backgrounds as they are vital for gathering HUMINT in the AO.
So you're in favour of reverse discrimination? ADF should be seeking to make service life as attractive as possible for ALL members of society, not a particular cross-section.
Personally I think language training for serving soldiers should be a priority, being actually able to speak to locals is always going to be more useful than simply "resembling" them...
The acquirement of Citizenship liked directly to ADF service with in a certain age group 18 to 45 including reserve service. ( this allows ASIO operatives in the ADF to ?)
ASIO operatives in ADF?
Otherwise I don't have a problem linking ADF service to citizenship, provided security vetting is adequately performed. Private Industry "sponsor" certain individuals for citizenship all the time. I think it could be useful for ADF to do the same, particularly for those "specialised skill" areas that ADF find difficult to recruit for...
And perhaps making it so personnel don’t have to by their own equipment.[/quote]