A couple of points:
- Like GPS, I'd imagine it's built in an array. Take some out, that's okay - there's redundancy.
Valid remark. If there are 10 stations, taking all of them out would be difficult for anyone but most capable opponent.
- Shooting satellites out of the sky is actually pretty hard. There are only a few countries in the world with this capability at the moment. You need to get an explosion very close to take out a satellite because of the vacuum of space. You don't get the 'shockwave' like on earth. You more or less need a direct hit, and space is very big. And you can forget about 'flaps' on missiles giving you pin-point directional control. China only recently proved this capability. Satellite positions are well hidden secrets anyway.
Complely false in all points. You dont need any explosive device. A simple BULLET, traveling in opposite direction, will have kinetic energy equal to 100mm APFSDS. And will do as much damage. Now, in 1 kg payload you can cram 100 bullets... in 100kg payload - 10 thousands bullets....
Traveling at geo orbit is NOT ANY HARDER than traveling to any other orbit - you forget the simple fact what bullets dont need to stay at that orbit, they merery have to cross it. High elliptical orbit will do it.
Also, you cant keep satellite location secret. There are things called "radars" and "LRF's". Even 3rd-world country have enouth knowledge and technical means to exactly locate such big object...
- It would not be the US military's only source of power. I'm sure they would have backup generators. They only need fuel reserves that will last long enough to obtain another power source - or more fuel.
- My biggest concern is wouldn't it be possible for the enemy to track where the US positions are, by detecting where the microwaves are being beamed? It'd more or less 'illuminate' their position, even with relatively primative equipment. Fine for US bases - not so good for front-line troops.
All in all, viable idea BUT we need to reach much higher technical and scientifical level to make it work. Then again, at such level we might obtain 1000 times better accus to store energy, or other means to fuel military vessels - so these space stations would be useless.