Army > as A-stan and Iraq have proven, heavy MBTs and artillery still play a major role in modern guerrilla warfare. I believe Germany has cut too much its force of MBTs. Modernizing a bit more Leo2s to A6 standard would be a priority for me.
Actually, a lot of people think that Germany doesn't have proper/enough light forces. And that it's a bit other things that are lacking currently - for example, there isn't any money to acquire new mortar carriers, so light forces now have their mortars on jeeps as an interim solution.
Equipment aside, I would spend more on professionalizing 100% of the soldiers so that they can operate in faraway peacekeeping missions.
The combat forces are pretty much 100% professionalized. Out of 250,000 soldiers, there are 30,000 conscripts which are pretty much all placed in staff positions, logistics, airforce ground personnel. A further 35,000 soldiers are "voluntary conscripts" with duty contracts for almost 2 years.
Air Force > With the UK hesitating on Tranche 3 of the Typhoon, I'm worried about what Germany would do to complete transition from Phantom and Tornado to new equipment. If there aren't enough Typhoons then what ? F35s ?
Short-to-mid term solution would be to extend the Tornado SLEP/MLU to more aircraft.
Also, while there will be a boost in mobility of troops with A400Ms I would invest more in mobility of assets, especially if delays keep on increasing on the Airbus A400. I'd focus on smaller planes that can land on unprepared terrain (our C27 or Casa's C295).
Agreed. Well, actually the A400M is also supposed to be able to land on unprepared strips. But there's a low-end gap in my opinion, both in replacing the current C160 and potentially also the Do-28 that were decommissioned last decade (the Do-28 were also used in other roles - like sea pollution patrol - for which there aren't any new aircraft).
I also feel there's a gap between the procured PAC3 and the future MEADS ATBM programme.
In regard to capability? MEADS is supposed to use PAC3 (or rather an upgrade of it) itself, after all. Those PAC3 were only recently bought, and are considered capable of bridging the time until MEADS is introduced.
The Airforce is investing heavily in a low- to mid-end air defense solution, which will probably involve IRIS ground-launched derivatives (like IRIS-SL). Both as secondary missile to MEADS and as a stand-alone solution potentially replacing Stinger on Ozelot carriers.
Last but not least, Alphajets are getting really old (M346 ?)
So old that we sold them all 13 years ago.
Training is done using US assets mostly (leading up to jet training at Holloman AFB). German AlphaJets, unlike the French version, were never used for training, they were only used in the ground attack role.
For the future, there's still that joint European training force (with around 150 jet trainers) that's supposed to be established sometime around the mid of the next decade.
Well, that's all pretty much ordered or planned. See the other thread (the one with the Third EGV). The navy wants LPDs and also a 6-ship light frigate class as FAC replacements. In addition, for overseas patrol / maritime interdiction missions (which the FACs currently do), there are currently four 600-ton Type 332 minehunters being reconfigured to carry RIBs and a commando group.