313-ship fleet possible breakdown:
11 CSGs (10 Active)
9 ESGs
9x1 CSG = 1 CVN, 1 CG, 4 DDG
6x1 ESG = 1 LHD, 1 LPD, 1 LSD, 1 CG, 2 DDGs
2x1 ESG = 1 LHA(R), 1 LPD, 1 LSD, 1 CG, 2 DDGs
Forward Deployed
1 ESG = 1 LHD, 2 LPD, 1 LSD, 1 CG, 2 DDG
1 CSG = 1 CVN, 1 CG, 4 DDG
If you add up the above, you end up with
10 CVNs
7 LHDs
2 LHA(R)s
10 LPDs
9 LSDs
19 CGs
58 DDGs
That leaves 1 CVN, 2 LHA(R)s, 1 LHD, 3 LSDs, and 4 DDGs not counted, not to mention all the current FFGs or future LCS.
The LHA(R)s and LHD will be used for the sea base and the 3 LSDs are being deployed for GWOT missions. The 1 CVN would be in refueling, and it has 4 DDGs for it (but no CG). It is unclear how the LCS will fit into this mix in the future.