on this double rail buisiness, i'm wondering exactly how the're going to make it fit. Are they planning to us a doublerail on the internal hardpoint or the one on the inboard door? If they are planning to use a double rail on the internal hardpoing i'm wonering if the inboard AMRAAM on the double rail will be able to clear the missile on the inboeard door. It sems it will be directly below it. If they are planning to use the inboard door there are two problems, one is the weight restrictions, how strong is that door? Two is the fact that you wont be able to launch the top missile without launching the bootom one. I'm not saying they cant do it i'm just trying to figure out how.
LM in this quote:
The F-35 will be able carry 4 missiles on internal stations and up to 10 additional missiles on external stations. To look at potential future increases in internal carriage capability, studies have been done to explore the use of advances in launcher technology, however, current mission analysis does not necessitate further exploration of these capabilities at this time.
confirm that the F-35 will carry 4x AAM's internally and up to 10x ATA missiles externally.
They also acknowledge that studies have been conducted to examine whether additional AAM's can be carried internally.
LM further state that they don't believe the F-35's needs additional internal ATA missiles at present, but do not rule out that additional missiles COULD be carried internally if necessary.[/FONT]
Given the apparent room in the A/C model internal weapons bays (2000lbs class weapons) it doesn't seem unreasonable to assume that a "dual rail launcher" could be utilised on the internal hardpoint of each bay to provide the 6x AAM capability I mentioned earlier.
Sheer Internet speculation on this matter seems to indicate that A) 6x AAM's WOULD fit internally and B) that F-22 style internal "ejectors" could be utilised to allow for this capability.
Make of this what you will, but L-M certainly don't rule it out. Quite the opposite in fact...