Metro, your post about Israel is so wrong I can't even be bothered fully rebutting it.
Very sophisticated argument!
I'll just leave it there.
Those cities that are 'creating problems for us' are filled with innocent civilians, who im sure would object to their homes being flooded with water.
Yes, "Innocent Civillians Everywhere and Not One Guilty Cilvillian Can be Found."
If you rather lawyers fight the wars, I'm not taking your idea. But they'll play word games all day. Their so inured to hearing another "objection" it goes in one ear and out another.
-Yes, the purpose of flooding a city is to here all the objections. However, it is only water, not napalm.
-Instead of going into a city, force the people to come out.
-It's a good tactic to fight on their land.
-It's not a good tactic to allow the enemy to use his/her territory to their advantage.
-Deny the enemy free and easy movement.
-If women an children come walking out, wading through water up to their knees, likewise, men will find it noisy and difficult to run from house to house.
-Take Care of the Women and children (Don't pay CASH).
-When they complain that, "we're all innocent civillians," say "sorry," sometimes bad things happen to the "best people."
-Ask if they compensated. "yes". You must get all of your fellow "innocent civillians" to come out and file a complaint.
We'll inspect your claims, but if their are "guilty civillians who fire at us, we will shred all claims.
-Obviously, weapons caches will surface like a grave does in a cemetary. The bad guys will have to fight, if they want, with no food for a few days and in an area that now looks foreign to them.
-No IEDs, Car Bombs, hidden AT Shells, etc...
-For those who want to go out with a bang, let them go up on the roof, with the little ammo they have and deal with apaches'.
-No More Guilty Civillians. Perhaps, a cement floor in th dessert won't dry? The prople can get refunded for legit claims as long as they don't allow "guilty civillians" to enter.
-Either you can understand the concept on not. Fighting assymetric warfare while bound by laws written 50 years ago, is a disastor waiting to happen.
Also, how are the Israelis going to distribute that faulty ammo to the terrorists?
-Since I'm not going to tell you how to smuglle weapons, it's too difficult (on their scale anyway), I'd basically hand it to them. Give them a $50M aid package. Send a bunch of cntainers with food and whatever in the front and a limited amount of "faulty ammo") in large boxes at the back of the container.
-I'm sure you could figure it out.
And i'm not sure, but for a second I thought you were suggesting flooding Iraq with a few inches of water... wait, that can't be right can it?
-I didn't say not to.
-In Iraq, I think armored vehicles that have water cannons and/or flame retardent cannons, could help a whole lot. Obvios reasons.
Look, if it were as easy as you were suggesting we would have done it years ago. For instance, if Israel somehow flooded Lebanon in order to ruin the hezbollah weapons that are in the ground, then im sure the hezbollah would quickly move their weapons inside or up a hill or something. Now the flooding serves no purpose, and has ruined the every day lives of thousands of civilians. Thats just not a feasable idea.
-It's very feasable and all to simple, did you see what happened in New Orleans?
-Were people moving anywhere? No, they had to "surrendor."
-Have you ever seen a moat around a castle (something that should be done outside gaza's wall).
-And their homes/country aren't being destroyed (which happens).
-I never said anything would be simple. I'm sure you've lived in the area as I have. The fact is, going tit-for-tat with an asymmetrical enemy, is just a function of time before losing.
Asymmetry, is an infinite force multiplier as we won't use or "superior technology."
-Instead of playing the circular game, "we upgrade our armor, again, they figure out how to defeat it in a week" (money well spent)?
(them : US)
Tactics: (1 : 0)
Tech. (.00001 : 1,000,000,0000)
WE=0 (Lose)
-as for hizbollah running to get their weapons, if you want sitting ducks, there they are!
war's not fair, and both sides will have objections afterwards.
I don't know if you've seen that 60 minute Gracie fight, but what he does is take away the opponants "game plan" and puts constant but subtle pressure on his "enemy." Gracie either uses no energy and makes someone submit, or he takes control and allows the "other guy" to expend all he has... eventually Gracie wins.
I've always felt surprise works the best, today we challange someone "to a dual"?!?!
enough for now. i hope you understand what i'm getting at...
i apologize for grammer/spelling... it's way past my bed-time.