RE: War Powers Act (talked about earlier in thread)
It's pretty much a joke. Clinton avoided congress when going into Bosnia (congress was against it).
I'm not sure what launching cruise missiles at countries "is." An act of war needed to be approved by congress, or something else that doesn't ever need to be taken to congress as long as it's just a few day of sending a message.
Bush got congrssional approval-- that's why all the Democrat's are saying stuff like, "When I voted to send the troops to Iraq, I thought Bush would have been smart enough to not go to war" (crazy american politics).
RE: Powell
He was put in the State Department (Sec. of State) because he knew the people/leaders in the ME better than anyone (from his experiene in GWI).
I agree that allowing Civilian Comanders (President, Congress) to essentially run a war when they've had no experience, is plain stupid. However, Generals Gone Wild isn't a good idea either as there are political consequencs.
Using Clinton as a horrible commander, I think is fair (I have no love for Bush). As a "hyper-power" during the time, Clinton was so ignorant regarding foriegn policy--or just didn't care--he is very much responsible for not at least trying to put a stop to the threat everyone is facing today. Clinton, a Lawyer, made a case about the meanng of "is." Now, forget all the chances he had to kill UBL and others, he wouldn't even take UBL when he was being handed to us, "We can't bring a court case against him." Wow, we've tried several people in abstentia, UBL couldn't be charged in person for everything from, retreating from somalia because of black hawk down (after not allowing the military to have the aircraft the wanted). The 1st World Trade Center Bombing. Ramzi Youseff was put in jail. He's KSM's nephew, and KSM was UBL's operational planner. Could go on and on. Instead of having UBL killed, before or after his "Declaration of War on all americans," Clinton left him alone. He went into Bosnia, where instead of nation buiding, he helped do quite the opposite.
Today, Bosnia/Albania is almost like Afghanistan during Clinton's time as Commander and Chief.
However, Clinton did launch some $40M of tomahawks at a empty playground in Afghanistan and a (whatever) building in sudan.
Clinton saw Iraq as such a threat that the "Iraqi Regime Change" Act in 1998. That became American Policy. However, Clinton tried to change the Regime by launching more of his favorite cruise missiles, in the middle of the night, at the Ministry of Interior Building. I don't think killing janitors was a huge blow to Sadaam!?
Clinton the lawyer, also knew that Iran was behind the Khobar Tower bombings, he knew the people's names. However, he said and did nothing. The statute of limitations would have run out if Ashcroft (I'm not a fan), hadn't brought charges against the people in the first week of Bush's term. Again, Clinton did nothing.
Clinton instead of taking UBL out, one way or another, Clinton wanted peace in the world so he looked for the person who wanted it as much as him, Arafat. The guy who Clinton had visit the White House more than any other leader. Talk about a leader reading another person... Nice Job President of the Free world! Clinton turned a person most deemed a forefather of "terrorism" into a nobel prize winner. No Peace was ever made, but I'm not sure any other leader could have pulled that one off. Did Clinton, a person so many described a "brilliant," think he could turn Arafat into a State's Man? Did Clinton think this guy could actually spend the majority of is life preaching "revolution" and all of a sudden say, "everything I had told eveyone was a joke, now [that there's no peace and more violence] I'm a man of peace and want to be the most transparent and best leader in the world"? Anyway, the man of peace needed a 10,000 person police department (that's the agreement he signed anyway), so clinton armed them and sent the CIA to train them. All of a sudden, Arafat needed 50,000 people in is police force (larger than New York, and way more heavily armned). Today, there are 80,000-90,000 people registered as members of the PA police force. This does not include any of Hamas.
As we see today, Clinton did an excellent job in creating Pieces. Clinton's forced Peace Process, worked to split the Palestinians into Pieces.
I'm not sure if Clinton thinks he was successful, as everyone but him got a "Peace Prize." But in truth, if you listen to those in Gaza today who have said, "We're glad Israel has finally stated using helicopters [not american aircraft desingned to kill us] to target Hamas, as it has cleared all of the streets and helps stop some of the violence. We miss living our lives under Israeli occupation." Abbas says the same thing, "We're on the brink of Civil War, times have never been worse. Palestinians would like to go back to life under Israeli or Jordanian rule." I'd say perhaps the Palestinans, today, might rather have peace with Israel, but Clinton's failure in reading a man he met so man times has not only made peace between Israel and the Palestinians impossible, he made Peace among the Palestinians impossible... actually a complete disastor.
Clinton also created a coup in Israel, and this is a country that's a Democratic American Ally. He actually broke american law, pretty overtly.
But the story starts when Clinton was running for President the first time. At that time the PM of Great Britain was John Major. During the campaign, Major was asked who he prefered as the next american President? PM Major didn't endorce anyone but Bush1 was still President and Major said something like, "I'm know President Bush and get along well with him. I think he's made for fine President. But these are Americans elections for the amrican people. I don't vote."
Clinton heard this and told PM Major, that "The US and Britain have a special relationship and are examples to the free world, this shouldn't be ruined by a Prime Minister who wants to get involved in american politics. My advice is that he needs to stay the hell out of our democracy."
Then when Clinton was President in his second term, the PM at one time was Netanyahu. He wouldn't give in to just giving things away, for the promise of security. Netanyahu wanted a slower process of reciprocity. Clinton didn't want his "Peace Process" to be slowed down and by a man who speaks better english, graduated from better schools and instead of doging the draft, Netanyahu fought in the special forces for his country, our Commander Chief, the "Genius of all trade, President Clinton."
So Clinton Finds someone who will do as he wishes if elected PM in Israel--Ehud Barak. So how does Clinton get this guy in office? Unlike Clinton's disgust for John Major's answer to a question, and the advice Clinton gave him, Clinton seemed to have completely forgot that whole thing. Clinton decided to sent his 3 top (paid) political consulttants (James Carville qnd the likes) and have them run Barak's campaign. "Special relationship"?
"Staying out of another democratic ally's politics"? It wasn't just statements by Cinton, he actually sent people on his payroll to Israel to run Barak's campaign (which was funded in most part by Clinton Friend's) to defeat a democratically elected PM of an ally!?!? That's against american law!
Well, Clinton as always did what he knew was right in the ME because of his extensive expertise. Barak was a total failure for Israel. But our Commander an Chief knew best, and Clinton and Barak went as far with Arafat as Clinton did 7 years earlier.
Our Commander and Chief, completely ignored the terror in front of his face and its growth around the world. Clinton's complete lack of undersanding of the Middle East, yet, maintainng his "omnicient" posture to the world, showed everyone that, Terrorism works and the US doesn't even recognize it, the US rewards it. Clinton, somehow just couldn't work over a guy he knew so well, Arafat, even though Clinton got him land for nothng. Clinton armed Arafat to the teeth and had the CIA train his "Police Force" and funded him like crazy [though nobody can account for where the money kept going]. As in Bosnia, our Comaander and Chief Prsident Clinton, got more Pieces and nothing resembling Peace.
When it comes to the Russians, Clinton and Gore, who played huge rolls in establishing, a new democracy in Russia, a better economy in Russia, as well as a completely new relations with Russia in which we would have a "Special Relationship." To make this as short as possible, I'll use bullets to point out a few things about how The Commander and Chief was going to do all of this with Russia and why they'd love us.
-In the early 1990's Clinton and Congress knew that Russia was sellin Balistic Missile technology to Iran.
-This alone is aginst American laws in the sens that sanctions would be put on the country or companies that have sold "Dual-Use Tech," to Iran.
Since many Companies (especially defense companies) are at least partly state owned. Regardless, companies don't want to hur their relations with the US our their country's.
-However Clinton convinced Congress who was pissed over Russia and Iran, not to bring sanctions up, because Clinton and Gore were making so much progrss with Russia. The continued given reason, everytime Russia was confronted with evidence about their dealngs, was "Arms control? Export Controls? We have no idea what that is, you're supposed teach us so this doesn't happen and we can do it correctly." [And I have a bridge to sell u in NY].
-If one reads the congressional records you can see the joke that went on for Clinton's entire term. Congress ha to finally pass another Bill specifically naming Iran and Russia--which Clinton and Gore pleaded that it wouldn't be brought to the floor." But by 1997-'98 Congress was sick of it, even though Our Commander had made another reat read with the Russians.
-The bill from congress was tough and had only one out clause; there's a Presidential waiver that can be used if their is a "Specific and imminent threat to the Security of the United States."
-Well a company in France had a $5B "energy package" for Iran, but they weren't going to go through with selling to Iran because of American Law.
-For some unbelievable reason, our Commander and Chief, thought that a $5B "energy package" NOT being sold to Iran, would harm the Security of the US. So Clinton used the Presidential waiver and allowed the "energy package" to be sold to Iran. Now, whose security interest is this in?
-Russia never stopped working/sellng to Iran, throughout Clinton's entire two terms of insurances. Iran and Russia, along with other just became more bold about their actions.
-Clinton and Gore, said they were very succesfull with the Russian's and there's a "great man waiting in the wings."
The Hyper-Power Commander and Chief!
-To top it off with one final note on Clnton and how he prepared s for today, was described as one of hs many succeses.
-Clinton left the country with a "large surplus."
-Well, it had nothing to do with the Commander doing anything right, like making US companies on the Exchanges, to keep REAL BOOKS. Clinton didn't cach that or want to prosecute it either.
-Cinton was a true Genius by thinking long term to get us that surplus. He cut military spending to it's lowest point %/GDP since WWII. But that wasn't enough, he cut the military by at least a third. The Commander of our military, who recognized no threats, decimated our military in less than a decade.
-This Commander and Chief of the nation, decided Russia wasn't a threat, Terror wasn't a threat (UBL could have been killed or arrested several times), even though UBL declared war on "The Americans, wherever they are."
-Clinton, "A true genius," should definitely be up there with the worst commanders ever. If he had a bit of intelligence, the world would not be in the situation it is today. Neville Chamberln went the apeasement route and never saw WWII coming. Even though Hitler had written a book describng his plan to everyone.
Clinton gets UBL's written Statement and TV Statemen telling everyone what he intends on doing!
Clinton makes another brilliant read, and ignores him. UBL thanks Clinton on his way out with the US Cole. No Response!
-IMO, Clinton will/should go down in history as more then a failure, in the paes of History.:nutkick