Finally it is an Arab - Muslim affair, they should have solved it under the framework of Arab league or OIC .
Question is however if the OIC does have the authority, power and mandate to actually do anything about this situation, specially with Russia, China and Iran backing Syria.
Right or wrong does not matter here because if the UN and Nato fail to do anything useful in regards to saving whats left of Syria, then i cannot see the OIC (Which is a FAR lesser organization) doing anything better, or even remotely in the directions NATO or UN already has tried to get done.
As i mentioned in my previous post is that Syria is a dead end, either by civil war, or either by a intervention or a combo of both.
Keep in mind that after nearly 2 years of civil unrest, war and heavy fighting there is virtually nothing left of Syria's infrastructure, industry and public services.
So regardless if the current regime leaves (either freely or by force) Syria itself draws the short end of the stick as it will take years to rebuild, and bring back Syria to anywhere near it ones was.
I mean its not just the system that collapsed but the entire structure (Gov, Mil, Indus, Public and Infra) that has been demolished.
And forgive me saying this but one must look in the mirror before blaming the current regime and their actions.
Keep in mind 35 years of US foreign policy and meddling in affairs has left its marks upon the middle east.
Entire nations and factions have been changed and shaped by it, and mostly to gain a strategic momentum and to strengthen interests in the region.
Not to mention the many proxy wars and conflicts which to a very large degree can be traced back to US Foreign policy and Israeli Foreign policy.
Now i am not going to argue if this is good or bad as it did have its uses.
But fact is that the west and the international community stood there watched it and did nothing, and now this comes around and bites us in the ass.
The reason i say this is because the OIC has never been guide and support the region, some even say its just a fancy forum, but does it have actual power to change things? NO, as if yes they would have stopped most of the western interference a long time ago..
I know how this sounds, but i think that everyone can agree to the fact that we are beyond the point of fitting the shoe without taking a good look in the mirror.
And in regards to Syria this has to stop one way or another, because i might not be a defense analyst like most here on the forum, but you do not have to be a genius to figure out that a regional war is just around the corner.