You can't wave a magic wand it at and assume that science will conquer all. Stealth consists of many features and to avoid being detected by radar you need to apply subtle shapes to the aircraft. None of these techniques apply to the shapes needed for a hypersonic intake. Then of course there is heating by friction which will raise the temperature of the surface of the aircraft to over 1,000 degrees C at hypersonic speeds. How are you going to hide that from an IR sensor?
The only way to make a hypersonic aircraft stealthy against radar and IR sensors are some kind of energy fields that absorb or deflect RF energy and absorb IR wavelength. If we can do that I would imagine we can counter gravity, tap zero point energy and provide reactionless thrust. In which case we will be flying to Alpha Centauri and not bothering with mach 10 stealth fighters.
Not really. I was explaining this in the AFM forums. They have everything to do with recursive/reentrant echoing. Though you are right in one important sense that magnetic style surface RAM can't be used in supersonic and hypersonic vehicles. These requires magnetic particles to absorb RF and turn them into heat. However, high heat from air friction demagnetizes these particles.
Basically, the idea is an old one, developed back in the forties. This is the Salisbury screen concept, along with its variation, the Jaumann absorber. You let some of the RF in, which goes through a gap about a fraction of the frequency wavelength, then reflects against an inner layer and out through the screen again. By then the second wave would be completely out of phase with the first one, and they both cancel each other out. The problem is that these systems are frequency or bandwidth specific, and like anything dealing with RAM, you got a problem with thickness if you are dealing with longer wavelengths.
However, since this is obviously so mission focused it can mitigate bandwidth specific concerns. You just want to be optimized against C and X bands because that's where the longer ranged fire control radars are. Even if you're detected by L or S band style AEW radars, these can't bring a target lock on the hypersonic vehicle unless you have a C to X band radar doing the fire control.
There are similar systems in principle, basically trapping the radar echoes in a recursive principle, like two mirrors facing each other, until the waves run out of energy or cancel each other out. Sometimes the process is aided by adding absorbers in the intermediate cavity. All these can be built just under the skin using carbon fiber.
As for dealing with thermal issues, that's another thing though. Can't do much about the superheating air that forms around the vehicle in a shockwave.
Now how does plasma absorb RF. Simple. Read the previous paragraph on magnetic RAM. Plasma is magnetic.