Who conquered the world?

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IMO, the country that managed to conquer the world (or close to it) should go to the Brirish Empire. They managed to conquer 1/4 of the globe and set their mark on every continent there is.
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well the Quran Talked About 4 that Came to the world and governed it ... about ZulQarnin .. well he is some kind of prophet in Quran /// in reality the Quran never located his time ... but his people was a very Slaved And Weak and a King was killing them and slaving them putting them out of Power ( before continuing some Muslim scientists said that Majoj , Yajoj , ZulQarnin are very unclear stories that God just talked about General Idea of it in Quran ) So // ZulQarnin Saw what are suffering and Considered the idea of helping them and they laughed on him and Told the king about him and he was beaten and he was just a young and he started Asking people to believe in God ( Allah ) the Biography i am reading did not specify that so i say he might have been a prophet even that he was a child and he was having a good Body with muscles and still people laughed on him ( like him and other prophets ) so he moved to the young part of his people ,, and he started to be famous and the people who believed in god by him was more than who did not ,, and in his sleeping he saw a dream for him up in the orbit and the sun from its horns .. so he was named by his people as ZulQarnin ( Qarnin : Two horns ) so the people who Laughed on him / still laughing on him said that the king will catch him from his horns and kill him and when the People who believed on him came more and more he became a king on his people and his people was giving the unjust king Eggs of Gold as a Tax and when the Tax Bringers came to him for a tax he didn't give them any and sent a message to the Unjust King saying " i killed the Chicken that Gives me Gold Egg and ate it " and that unjust King knew that he was Young and sent " i sent you a ball and sesame ,, a ball to play with and sesame pills to count and if the men who believe in you are in their Number ,, i will still bring you and kill them " so Zul Qarnin said " if your soldiers are even double i will still win on you " and then ZulQarnin Came to that king with his Believers and Allah brought Horror to the Kings People and they told him to make peace with him ( The unjust King people to their king ) so that King Was angry and brought his full army but ZulQarnin People still won and ZulQarnin killed that King after that Zulqarnin said that he want to bring Peace and the Faith in Allah to the whole world and here comes the first people he put faith upon as the Quran/ Prophet Mohammad said that he came to a land in the west in which it was very flat ,, And its Soil was Black Clay and he saw the Sunset and imagined that it was Sunk in that plains but the people of that land was Unfaithful with Allah but he never Battled them but he let them have faith peacefully and then he went further in the west and in the east and for every people he brought Faith and for anyone who refused he brought Horror and then he came to the Ocean and behind it to the Land of China and he moved forward in that land ,, so he saw Two Big Mountains and a small Valley between them and that behind that Valley there was a people who Had faith in Allah ( but they spoken a language that none of human knew ) but the valley was controlled by two Savage Tribes and those ate everything and was attacking the Faithful tribe once and again so that faithful Tribe asked ZulQarnin Help from his Big Army ... and they said to him that those two tribes were adding numbers Fast and their Savage will move to all of the Earth and they told him that will pay for him killing them but he refused to take payment and killing them and gave the Idea to Quarantine them so he brought Iron and his Engineers to take dimensions of the valley and he ordered digging it and putting Iron ,, with two Levels of Iron there was between one level of coal until the Iron became as tall as the mountains and he ordered to put fire in the coal until the Iron became Liquid Fire and ordered that copper to be on that so that the the Gaps of coal don't effect and he Quarantined them until the ate each other and died ...

and there is 3 more kings Written on Quran Who Governed the World and they are Suleiman , Namrod and Bakhtansir .. if you want i will write about them too



New Member
any how ... some muslim Scientist wanted to investigate that thing ... about the Dam and the Sunset and that Yajoj And Majoj ... so as start the ZulQarnin story comes from Surat Alkahf ( surat : is a lining for managing Quran Alkahf : cave ) and this Sura ,,, is very complicated and very ... well unimaginable as it is the evidence of the ability of Allah Bringing died back to Life ( Any How that is not our Story ) but it have some Linings about ZulQarnin People and it is the evidence in Quran about their Existence and some Of the Prophet Teachings // and there is Saudi Muslim Religion Scientist named AlJuhani who wanted to investigate that Sura ... and in his book he says that God Wanted him to reveal the meaning of that Sura and the reality of The sunset and the unjust King and the Yajoj And Majoj ... and from his investigations he knew the meaning of Yajoj and Majoj and he even saw that Dam !!! and pictured it even too bad the Article dont have the Picture !!! and he gave undoubted evidence and knew that ZulQarnin Came from Egypt ... and the Holographic Writings was telling him that all of these things were done by one man ... ZulQarnin but who is that ?? and from his Book he revealed one of the most Important Answers for this Century ... and that will be driven straight from Egyptian and Chinese Studies ...

and the Scientist was writing about who the Japanese Started Building their Country and their Accomplishments and comparing them to the ZulQarnin people Efficiency and the Quality in Building ... and God Gave him the chance for further Understanding because he was invited to President a delegation of Saudi motorcycle Union to China ... and he took it and he did not knew a thing about the sport ...

and he asked Chinese Language Professors about the Meaning of Ya-Joj and Ma-Joj and the prof. told him Ya Mean the Asia and Ma means Horse ... and Joj means Continent ... and that Majoj and Yajoj Are Chinese Language Words ... so The Quran Wrote The names of that two tribes in Chinese Language !!! So he was very Excited for moving forward with that !

and after reading Some Dictionaries he knew that the Line in Quran " ... Yajoj and Majoj are Corrupting in the Earth ... " and it means that the People of Asia and Horse are Corrupting In the Earth ....

and after looking in Chinese History ,, the First Defence Line was ever Built in China was in the Time of one of Chang/Cheng Family Kingdoms and that was 1150 - 1300 B.C. in the city of JenJo in the Area Khanan in the Middle of China ... and it was between two Big Natural Obstacles it was the Yellow River from the North and the River of Yanjasti ( two of the Biggest Chinese Rivers ) .. and as the story in Quran say that before ZulQarnin moving to that Area there was a Plain and Green area before coming to it .. that will explain The rivers ..

The Chinese History Say that this was a Defence line against the Enemies of the Cheng Kingdom ,,, THE KINGDOM OF HORSE aka in Chinese Language " Majoj " and it is not as in that Time as a Wall but it was like A big Obstacle ... and its remaining is still there and it was Had a Very Good Quality and a great Engineering and it was like two Big Wood Walls and between them there was CaCO3 Chemical Material .. as i remember that could happen from melting Iron with Copper ... just Like what is Said in The Quran !! and in the Time of the Cheng Kingdom the Pharaoh of Egypt was Tot Ankh Amon the Pharaoh after Aknaton which is redirected in Quran as ZulQarnin ( and that is his Name ) ,, and with more research in the History he discovered another tribe / Kingdom nearby from the South Named The Chou that means The Sun People and every Body know how Akhnaton / ZulQarnin was With the Sun ..

and look who exciting the story moves on :) the Cheng People are the first in China to Adapt the Faith in One God :) and as the Quran Say that ZulQarnin Built Mosques and Places to pray in there ... there was a temple for Praying for " Ten - Awoten " or something Like That .. and that is a verification that ZulQarnin was there as there is Temple Built By Akhnaton in Egypt for praying for the God " Ten " or redirected to Sun ....

But still who are Majoj ( Horse Kingdom ) and Yajoj ( Asia Kingdom ) ???!!! what is Asia and Horse Continent in the Understanding of Ancient Chinese ??

ok this Come more Exiting and more Convincing .... there was in 1300 B.C. 6 Countries having Borders with China and they are Japan , Korea , Manchuria, Siberia , Mangolo and Middle Asia ... which were all referred in Chinese Ancient Language as Asia Continent ( Yajoj ) but who are Majoj ?? well Mangolo is up the list ... and the Name Of Cowboys came from their as most of these people was Shepherds ... and they were known for there Savage and Attacking China Once and Again For North and North East .... and their Last Grandson was JenkisKhan !!!

and even for Confirmation that Scientists came all the Way to The Area and Pictured the Place and the Environment and Compared it to What Quran Said and it was 100% Right !!!

That was my Translation so give me a rating it took me 2 Hours


New Member
ah the Clay Land and the PLains and the Sunset ,,, well come to West Egypt and to Sudan and every Country on the Nile they All have Black Clay !!! and plains !!!


New Member
ah the Clay Land and the PLains and the Sunset ,,, well come to West Egypt and to Sudan and every Country on the Nile they All have Black Clay !!! and plains !!!

With all respect:

1. Why such long posts?
2. No one ever had effectively "conquered" the world in terms of gaining military/administrative control over the entire GLOBE.
3. Several emperial states were daring off-limit - exhausted their resources-and ended up being dismantled
4. The aforesaid is a lesson to be learnt- ambition + hardware doesn't always lead to wholesale success- though I myself do fail to catch the whole idea of current Western involvement in Iraq- Saddam played his cards and lost....


New Member
No it is the Thread telling about that and i told the Whole Idea Quran Speaked of ...
Almaleki, please, you've been told again and again that this is not a religious forum. Nobody here cares the least bit what the Quran says in this matter, you want me to write about what the bible says? So stop it!
Almaleki, please, you've been told again and again that this is not a religious forum. Nobody here cares the least bit what the Quran says in this matter, you want me to write about what the bible says? So stop it!
It must be hard for someone who believes something very deeply to get it through his head that usually those who don't share that conviction don't give a slightest whiff of sh..t about it. Kind of like explaining to an average American the greatness and super talents of, say, Ronaldinho... If only men could find more shared beliefs, interests and opinions than maybe there wouldn't be any "world conquering"...


New Member
would you please Check the thread ?? !!! he\she is asking about Who is ZulQarnin .. so i told him who is he ... is that Crime !!!


New Member
some History Men .. say that Akhnaton was ZulQarnin and when Alexander the Great Came to Egypt the Egyptians Made him Pharoah and Named him " Akhnaton " i dont know what does that name mean ... anyway in Quran ,, a Great Plains and Black Clay Soil and its people are Unfaithful /// but They became as he came to them without Attacking each other ... at the End that Means that we are talking about the Same Man ... but the History Says that Alexander The Great Never Conquered all the Way to China then how did He knew the Yajoj and Majoj ??!! Cheers ,,,


New Member
I'm sorry you are having a laugh :D, please expand on how Muslim Science influenced the following:

Industrialized mass production of materials and introduction of automation in factories in England leading to meteoric increases in production an wealth

The railway and steam engine, enabling manufacturing to move from cottage based industries to mass production on a grand scale

The combustion engine, gas turbine engine, jet engine, so on and so forth.

I can't find a single reference by the engineering greats of the time (James Watt, Richard Trevithick, Richard Arkwright's et al) that thier world changing inventions relied on Muslim theories. And if Muslim Science was so sophisticated why didn't the industrial revolution begin in the East?
Jaber bin Haean ... the King Of Chemics /// He wrote almost every Basic Chemical Theories and tried them more than he put most of the chemical Instruments ..


New Member
The only way anybody could ever even dream of "conquering the world" is if there is a universal acceptance to move into the next stage of humanity. Meaning the world unites under one name - Earth. Whether it would be a collection of rulers, a global dictator, or something else, no one really knows. It might not be just one man/woman. I believe this is the only way anyone could ever conquer the world. I wouldn't even really call it conquering the world. To conquer, is to assimilate the enemy against their will. To unite would mean the people of Earth would agree unanimously that it is in humanities best interest to combine our efforts to progress into the future unhindered by divisions among land, people, and various ruler's individual interests.

In Quran there was 4 who did :

Sualiman : He did for a while and all the world agreed him as he had the biggest Army ever built but god Said that No Human Have immortality so when he died his Kingdom vanished

ZulQarnin Aka Akhnaton Aka Alexander : he in what Human know reached India and died in Babylon but Quran Says that He went till China and moved forward to the End

Bakhtanasr and Namrod : they were Unfaithful and Conquered most of Earth but they thought they were God but God showed them who is ...

Cheers ... but i mean that Earth in Quran never been Conquered Fully only in the Faith of it whole People in God which Happened in Sulaiman Era and Lasted to his Death ...


New Member
He wrote almost every Basic Chemical Theories and tried them more than he put most of the chemical Instruments ..
The Muslim efforts in chemistry are not significantly more important than what has been done before, for example in Egypt or in ancient Greece. I am not sure what exactly you mean by "basic chemical theories", but modern chemistry is almost entirely based on the achievements of the late 17th and the 18th century, not incidentally just before the time industrialisation started to take off big time.

If any significant scientists are to be named, who contributed greatly to Chemistry as a science and not just some kind of alchemy, it would be (to name the most recognized) Robert Boyle, Karl Scheele, Antoine-Laurent Lavoisier and Dmitri Mendeleyev.
The point why I am going into detail here is that all of those were Europeans, and they were just one part of the scientific enterprise that made possible industrial progress and in extension the utter colonial dominance of the world by European powers in the 19th and early 20th century, most significantly of course Great Britain, while the Ottoman Empire as the most significant muslim power was essentially just an object of the same Great Power-politics.
The Muslim efforts in chemistry are not significantly more important than what has been done before, for example in Egypt or in ancient Greece. I am not sure what exactly you mean by "basic chemical theories", but modern chemistry is almost entirely based on the achievements of the late 17th and the 18th century, not incidentally just before the time industrialisation started to take off big time.

If any significant scientists are to be named, who contributed greatly to Chemistry as a science and not just some kind of alchemy, it would be (to name the most recognized) Robert Boyle, Karl Scheele, Antoine-Laurent Lavoisier and Dmitri Mendeleyev.
The point why I am going into detail here is that all of those were Europeans, and they were just one part of the scientific enterprise that made possible industrial progress and in extension the utter colonial dominance of the world by European powers in the 19th and early 20th century, most significantly of course Great Britain, while the Ottoman Empire as the most significant muslim power was essentially just an object of the same Great Power-politics.
While it is undisputed that Arab scientists made some fundamental contributions to various sciences (including chemistry, as well as basically developing modern algebra), all these contributions were made many centuries ago, in the middle ages, before Quran became an all encompassing substitute for science (and pretty much everything else and any kind of a book)...
While it is undisputed that Arab scientists made some fundamental contributions to various sciences (including chemistry, as well as basically developing modern algebra), all these contributions were made many centuries ago, in the middle ages, before Quran became an all encompassing substitute for science (and pretty much everything else and any kind of a book)...
I apologize, it was a Persian, not Arabic scientist who developed algebra - al-Khwārizmī...


Banned Member
We argue vehemently about who conquered the world in the past. The following article written by the founder of Stratfor looks at who will conquer the world in the future. Some very interesting observations taking into consideration critical factors outside the realm of pure military power and economic strength, namely: geography, population size and the ability to influence the stability of potential rivals, without all out war. I'd be interested in peoples opinions.

Opening quote: Japan and Turkey form an alliance to attack the US. Poland becomes America’s closest ally. Mexico makes a bid for global supremacy, and a third world war takes place in space.

New Statesman - The next 100 years


New Member
Its a rather compelling read for the first few paragraphs, but the author lost me on his evaluations of individual countries. His observations are not in line with reality on several points (the military aspect of China, the economical aspect of Europe, the social aspect of Japan) and he seeks to build up his case based upon these issues. I think, he really just tried to create and played around with a weird scenario that would gain attention and he neglects a pragmatic attitude in order to support this.


New Member
Its a rather compelling read for the first few paragraphs, but the author lost me on his evaluations of individual countries. His observations are not in line with reality on several points (the military aspect of China, the economical aspect of Europe, the social aspect of Japan) and he seeks to build up his case based upon these issues. I think, he really just tried to create and played around with a weird scenario that would gain attention and he neglects a pragmatic attitude in order to support this.
I share your criticism. Apart from that, interesting read. It is obvious however that the author has a certain opinion about American policy that is not everyone's.

@Almaleki: Wait a while, I'll search for what the "Lord of the Rings" says about who conquered the world. I'll be back then :rolleyes:
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