DoC_FouALieR said:
This highlights precisely the problems tanks encounter in urban combat...
We in France are confronted with a hard doctrinal problem with our Leclerc's tanks (that have been mainly made for a "standard" cold-war type confrontation) during urban combat phases...
So how could we use tanks in general in urban combat at best?
I think what it reinforces is the evolution of doctrine. eg Stalingrad and Chechnya are used as stellar examples of why you don;t use tanks in urban warfare or FIBUA. In fact Stalingrad was
the primary model to define doctrine on why not to use heavy armour in FIBUA.
What happened though was that you saw doctrine shifts and design shifts that showed that MBT's did have utility as long as they were supported and used differently - and thats a doctrine issue.
eg, look at the Israelis. They picked up the German innovation for not wasting degraded weapons systems and then modifying them for niche needs. They haven't made the same mistakes though of "over niching" capability on a platform. eg the Germans did some excellent iterative platform development on the Panzer III, but came up with some howlers using the Panzer IV. The Israelis have taken a more considered approach but have stayed focussed. eg the Centurion, Sherman, Merkava 3, M1113, BMP, T-6n, T-5n, T-7n series tanks, BTR's etc... The Israelis have been singularly responsible/important in developing niche solutions for heavy armour in urban terrain. Arguably, current MBT developments for urban warfare owe the Israelis a great deal.
the event that changed the perception of a MBT's suitability in FIBUA (or FIBy) was the US Thunder Run through Bagdhad.
if you look at the event itself, is the doctrine that has made it credible. so I don't actually believe that the MBT per se has been compartmentalised due to its design limitations. After all, Chally2, Leo2, Leclerc, M1 Abrams were all designed for a pure armour Kursk style event in the Fulda Gap. The platforms haven't changed in absolute terms, but their doctrine for use has. (although it has led to progs such as TUSK)