thats why you really can say which is the 'best' tank. also, leo2 uses tungsten sabot rounds. is tungsten denser than du? crap wheres that periodic table? the germans also have experience in building tanks. american tank building previous to the m1 was not good. i hated the m60 :barf i wonder if leo2a6 will ever see service.
but then if pakistan ever used the leo, it would get stuck in high mountain patrols etc and arty teams have a field day when tanks hit a choke point
Not all Leos use the same round - it is a user specific issue, its not a matter of density its a matter of velocity, kinetics, hardness, penetration rate and chemical reaction (eg DU and plasma). thats why the A6 uses a longer barrel with a tungsten round, it has a similar penetration pattern to a short barreled DU firing barrel. The US uses shorter barrels as well for logistics reasons. The germans only use a long barrel as they cannot use DU ordinance
yep, the M60 was crap - and the US learnt several significant lessons from it. have you paid attention to the kill rate of abrams with all kinds of opfor? In one of the assessments from GW 2 an Abrams was simultaneously attacked by 4 T series tanks, not one round penetrated the tanks armout and all 4 were killed within 30secs. Thats a reload kill time of 6-7 seconds per kill.
if any tanker ran their armour into a gully they deserve to get their units killed. don't try to simplify the arguments to the point of being ridiculous.
force is applied when you have theatre and sector dominance, its what makes warfare in this century so very different from the last. You can stand off and control the theatre to maximum advantage BEFORE committing forces on ground.
The Chinese RMA document pays particular attention to that feature - hence their rapid change in doctrine since 1999. Why do you think that the chinese made dramatic changes to doctrinal mix in the last 3-4 years?
If you getting emotional and angry you aren't listening to the arguments presented.