Which Defence Magazine(s) do you read?


New Member
I only read navy news, other than that i subscribe to CNN and few others including AIA daily lead.

i to have a small libray at my disposal only about a self realy 100 books maybe less i dont keep count but data sources i have a 700 page project on Kursk which ive spent 4 and half years working on and brining that to a close ive also written a 53 page report on russian submarines (and that was only brief)

done a few other things also but at 0100 in the morning its hard to recall


New Member
Hello, my list:
- Jane's Navy International (sub)
- Naval Forces (sub)
- Proceedings
- Sea Power (Navy League)
- several finnish magazines
- when I have time or find them: any others, Military Technology etc.


New Member
My list

Air Forces Monthly for about 10 years
Air International for about 7 years
Combat Aircraft for about 7 years

Jane's Pocket Guides to World Aircraft, Combat Vehicles, Combat Ships
Yefim Gordon's, Tu-95/142, Tu-22M, Tu-160, Su-27, Russian AA & AS weapons guide.
Bill Sweetman's Joint Strike Fighter
World's Dictionary of Aircraft
American Dictionary of Nuclear Weapons and Forces
Stormbird Rising
B-1B Lancer
Western Guide to Air Launched Weapons
Janes History of World War 2 Naval Combat
Janes History of the Airbattle of Europe
plus many more I can think of off hand.

I would also recommend Michael Light's 100 Suns, it is a special edition book of 100 high quality photo prints of American nuclear weapon tests. It also has some good information about each test and the nuclear arms race.


Defense Professional
Verified Defense Pro
My favorite magazines are:

Soldier of Fortune
GX (Guard Experience)

I think all of these magazines are available to the public, and GX is free (at least for Guard members).


Defense Professional
Verified Defense Pro
My list is very similar to GFs, except despite being 31 years old, I consider Proceedings the Bible of US Navy affairs.

I highly recommend it as the only magazine for the casual person wanting to be in the know, and learn something at the same time, but who doesn't want to be living the monthly publication circuit like some of us.


Ship Watcher
Verified Defense Pro
I have subscriptions to:
-Australian Aviation
Each month I buy:
-The Navy (The Magazine of the Navy League of Australia)
-Australian Warship
-Australian and NZ Defender

I buy other military magazines when I am travelling.

I also have a fairly extensive reference library of naval and aviation books, particularly Australian,British, and American. I used to buy 'Janes Fighting Ships' every 5 years or so but the last was in 1982 as the price became too much for me.

Like others I now use the internet extensively to try and keep up to date, which is how I ended up as a member of this forum.


Grumpy Old Man
Staff member
Verified Defense Pro
I used to buy 'Janes Fighting Ships' every 5 years or so but the last was in 1982 as the price became too much for me.
Subscribe to ScholarsBookshelf and you'll periodically get offers on discounted books. Its very useful for military books. In the case of Janes publications, you can often get 3-4 year old editions (new but unsold) for up to 1/10th of the Australian retail.


and an example of their Janes prices:



Ship Watcher
Verified Defense Pro
Subscribe to ScholarsBookshelf and you'll periodically get offers on discounted books. Its very useful for military books. In the case of Janes publications, you can often get 3-4 year old editions (new but unsold) for up to 1/10th of the Australian retail.


and an example of their Janes prices:

Thanks gf.

Have visited the site and ordered a 2004/5 edition of Janes FS for 20% new price.



Aussie Digger

I personally subscribe to Australian and NZ Defender magazine, (quarterly) Airforces Monthly (should be apparent) and Australian Aviation (monthly). That's it. Occasionally I might some other defence mag off the shelf if I'm going on a trip somewhere or am bored, but generally I don't buy many mags.

I pay for the Internet already and the info on the net is more up to date... Plus I generally know of any real "scoops" about the ADF from my Army mates prior to it being "released" in any media format, so reading it again is somewhat superflous...
I've now cut my subscriptions back to AA and A&NZ Defender. Airforces Monthly now annoys the hell out of me. For a monthly magazine it is ridiculously ou of date and AIR International is worse. It seems to regurgitate the military news from AFM, only the month AFTER AFM prints it...

I'd take out a subscription to ADBR, but I'm not sure whether the bank will give me a second mortgage or not... :D


I read all free magazines from Swedish Armed Forces - Insats&Försvar(Effort&Defence) and Värnpliktsnytt(Conscript news), Swedens Defence Material Administration - PROTEC(swedish) and REWIND(english) and Swedish Defence Research Agency - Framsyn(Foresight).


Defense Professional
Verified Defense Pro
I did read:
Aussie Defender
Army Magazine
Australian Aviation
The Army Newspaper
And a few other that have slipped my mind.
I say "did" as I am not able to get any here in China, however that will change in 2 weeks as I am out of here. Contract is up and I am happy as a dog with two pink bits!
I got a lot of reading at my old mans house, he got months of old mags for me at home.


Well-Known Member
Subscribe to ScholarsBookshelf and you'll periodically get offers on discounted books. Its very useful for military books. In the case of Janes publications, you can often get 3-4 year old editions (new but unsold) for up to 1/10th of the Australian retail.


and an example of their Janes prices:


Thanks for pointing that site out. Couldn't resist buying a copy of Janes Armour and Artillery. What a bargain!!!!

(aka Archer 155mm)


Ship Watcher
Verified Defense Pro
Thanks for pointing that site out. Couldn't resist buying a copy of Janes Armour and Artillery. What a bargain!!!!

(aka Archer 155mm)
I have really appreciated being able to get hold of a recent edition of Jane's Fighting Ships from the same site at a bargain price. It makes comparisons of naval strength so much easier. Thanks again Gary.



Grumpy Old Man
Staff member
Verified Defense Pro
Tas, that site is a real winner. Its certainly let me eat better quality food due to not killing the living budget to support my reading habits. ;)

I have really appreciated being able to get hold of a recent edition of Jane's Fighting Ships from the same site at a bargain price. It makes comparisons of naval strength so much easier. Thanks again Gary.



Tas, that site is a real winner. Its certainly let me eat better quality food due to not killing the living budget to support my reading habits. ;)
Mawahahahah... I'll be putting in more hours at work now... Need to get ready to feed the addiction... :dance :cheers

The question is, where to start...

Otherwise, I read Australian Aviation and AW&ST, looking to expand though.
