Turkish Navy retired the last two US made submarines, the Tang class, in 2004. One of them, S343 Piri Reis (ex USS SS-563 Tang, ld: '49, l:'51, c/tn: '80) is a museum ship in Izmit, next to TCG D-352 Gayret (ex USS DD-789 Eversole).The navy still has one Guppy - a museum ship.Well, it'll be a museum when they get the funding. Or it'll be scrapped if the navy gets tired of an obsolete, long-retired rustbucket taking up space & the lobbying of the enthusiasts who're keeping it from rusting away entirely ceases to persuade them it's worth hanging on to. And even that isn't one of the WW2-built Guppy conversions, it's a 1950s-built Tang-class, a Guppy new-build. There's a WW2-built Guppy in a private museum, donated by the navy several years ago. The others have all been scrapped, or sold to musems abroad. At least one returned to the USA to become a museum ship, USS Razorback/TCG Muratreis. I think she lasted past 2000 - just.
Turkey has been building German Type 209 subs since the 1970s, IIRC, & is now moving on to newer designs.
TCG S-338 Uluc Ali Reis (Ex USS SS-418 Thornback, ld: '44, l: '44, c/tn: '71, dc/tn: '00) is serving as a museum ship in Istanbul, Rahmi Koc Museum.
The last WWII era submarine of Turkish Navy, TCG S-336 Canakkale (Guppy IIA Balao type, ex USS SS-394 Razorback, ld: '43, l: '44, c/tn: '70) was decommissioned in 2001. She is a museum ship now in North Little Rock, US.
TF-2000 project which originally covered procurement of 6 modern frigates (2 command&control, 4 AAW) was stalled after 2001 ecomonimc crisis. After the crisis and cancellation or postponement of many projects, as well as the new threat environment after 9/11 and a new defense industry master plan, priority was given to an indigenous corvette design & construction project, namely MilGem (Milli Gemi - National Ship in English).Well, here's the official page -
TF-2000 is the project, but I don't know what's happening on it.
Current projects of Turkish Navy, which I think deserves own thread, can be listed as: 8+4 corvettes (MilGem), 16 patrol boats, 6 AIP submarines, 10 ATR-72MPA and follow-on order of 17 S-70B-28 SeaHawk helicopters, 6 general purpose helicopters for amphibious forces, 1 LPD, 2 LST and 8 fast LCT's as well as 28 AAV's as first batch, and a C4ISR infrastructure project ("Uzun Ufuk" - Distant Horizon in English) which is about to be finished this year.
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