Yeah, the HP is a beautiful gun, that single action keeps it nice and slim compared to a lot of the more modern high-capacity nines... choosing the .38 Super is essentially due to certain handgun restrictions we Australians have to live with - it's less hassle getting something in .38/9mm than it is with a larger calibre. The 1911 frame also neatly ties up the length and capacity restrictions too, so it's a solid choice, only problem might possibly be cost.
I think the helicopter was a Robinson, if I remember correctly. Small little thing, good fun though - couldn't get the smile off my face until I was on the ground again...
I bet, that makes me smile just thinking about it, I just love helicopters, I took a tour with two of my children nearly 20 years ago in the Smokies, that jet-ranger is really a nice bird, it was very hot, but it came right off and performed well on the. short flight to the mountains. Those two really enjoyed it, my daughter loved to fly, tells me yet today things we did back when I had a medical and an airplane. I have flight sim X and the Xcelleration pack on my desktop, I do better with the Jet Ranger, than with the Robinson???? not quite like the real thing, lots of fun anyway.
I really like your choice of the 1911 and the 38 Super, the factory mag holds nine rounds, and if you carry condition one, with one in the pipe, I would say you are very well armed. My older Colt seems to like the Winchester 125 gr Silvertip Hollowpoinst, some of the 130 ball is loaded a little lighter, and I have on occasion had a few stovepipes??? My older Colt headspaces off the small rim on the case, but the newer Colts and most other Supers now headspace off the case mouth for more accuracy, like the 45 acp.
and if you have a chance to visit the states, my little brother just bought a very nice older Cessna 150, it has a climb prop, and the Horton?? STOL kit, drooped leading edge, tips, and aileron fences, he'd love to let you fly that.
I bought a Smith and Wesson 3913 LS which, is the lady-Smith, single side safety, single column mags. Lovely little aluminum framed, perfect for CCW, but the trigger..........double action pull on the first round, then single action subsequently, but that looong double action is distracting, I guess I just need to shoot it more.