Use of Frigates for Interception/Fisheries patrols


New Member
Well it was a Green Party suggestion, you know the folk who were so anti the frigate purchase in the first place. Now they want to send a frigate into the Southern Ocean whale sanctuary to "monitor" the Japanese whaling fleet. Gee, might that not encourage the Japanese govt to send one of their Aegis destroyers to "monitor" Davenport?;)


New Member
Big-E said:
Why would anyone still hunt whales unless they are indian tribes? Are they primative countries doing the hunting?
Not unless you consider the Land of the Rising Sun primative. Wouldn't want to see them paddle one of those Aegis "canoes" up the Hauraki Gulf, or down to the Southern Ocean, especially considering the level of air cover NZ could provide its frigate. :p:


Banned Member
Padman said:
Well it was a Green Party suggestion, you know the folk who were so anti the frigate purchase in the first place. Now they want to send a frigate into the Southern Ocean whale sanctuary to "monitor" the Japanese whaling fleet. Gee, might that not encourage the Japanese govt to send one of their Aegis destroyers to "monitor" Davenport?;)
IMHO I think the hunting of whales in this day and age is barbaric. Isn't it against international law? Either way they should be boarded and arrested.


New Member
I agree whale hunting is barbaric, but Japan still hunts them under the guise of legal scientific research, mainly Minke variety, but now also some Sperm. Are getting close to having commercial whaling made legal again, thanks to support from some of the smaller nations, to whom it has made large "aid donations". :mad:


They just see them as big fish, apparently whale meat was only consummed by a very small part of the Japanese population prior to the 2nd World War (some small coastal village communities, and never on a commercial basis like the West), it was the Americans who supported a move towards commercial whaling to supply a cheap and plentiful supply of protein to a Japan ravaged by war, and now look what has happened :eek:

New Zealand did commercial whale up until the 1960's.


Super Moderator
KH-12 said:
They just see them as big fish, apparently whale meat was only consummed by a very small part of the Japanese population prior to the 2nd World War (some small coastal village communities, and never on a commercial basis like the West), it was the Americans who supported a move towards commercial whaling to supply a cheap and plentiful supply of protein to a Japan ravaged by war, and now look what has happened :eek:

New Zealand did commercial whale up until the 1960's.
Whaling in Japan is of political importance, because it's got its own bureaucracy, trying to protect their jobs, & a few Diet members from fishing ports which run the last few whalers. It's basically a scam, a way to extract taxpayers money to pay a lot of bureaucrats to market whale meat, promote uses for whale products, handle the subsidies to the few, immensely loss-making, whaling ships, & cajole small, poor countries into joining the IWC & backing Japan. Even the relatively few whales they kill for "scientific research" mostly can't be sold, due to lack of demand. Nobody wants to buy the meat, the oil, or anything else. Whale meat is "hunger food" in Japan. My (Japanese) partner turns up her nose at the very thought of it - and she's typical.


The Wanderer
Wolves among the sheep...

Australia and New Zealand tried to have virtually the entire southern ocean and South Pac turned in to whaling free zone, but it got knocked back I think in Aus and NZ the chief frustration and annoyance is if you want whale do it in your own bloody waters, the very least your own hemisphere. Thats what alot of people I know think, including myself, of course I'm against it fullstop but little steps.:fly And as for the turn coat pac nations well they made their bed Aus and NZ should withdraw all their aid and say go ask your new "friend" for help, plus there is all the temporary visas... I mean for Naru to do that the cheek.


New Member
Yeah, the Pacific Islands seem to forget that it was NZ and Aus who provided aid during Cold War, and who still provides first wave of aid during natural disasters. Hell if it wasn't for us and our American friends they would be Japanese!

Hell RNZN and RAN should schedule some Southern Ocean naval exercises to coincide with main whaling season (does anyone know how long it lasts?), declare an exclusion zone, and assume that any other vessel entering it is a target!


Banned Member
Padman said:
Hell RNZN and RAN should schedule some Southern Ocean naval exercises to coincide with main whaling season (does anyone know how long it lasts?), declare an exclusion zone, and assume that any other vessel entering it is a target!
You might want to wait until AU gets her AWDs or your going to get your ANZACs kicked by some Kongos.


New Member
Big-E said:
Why would anyone still hunt whales unless they are indian tribes? Are they primative countries doing the hunting?
It's considered a delicacy in Japan. I tried some when I was on a business trip in March. It is okay but has a really foul aroma and a bad aftertaste.

Shark fin soup (not popular in Japan but more so in Taiwan and Singapore) is equally gross. They pepper the hell out of it and it feels like rubber in your mouth.


Super Moderator
Jtimes2 said:
It's considered a delicacy in Japan. I tried some when I was on a business trip in March. It is okay but has a really foul aroma and a bad aftertaste..
The sort of delicacy 99% of Japanese won't touch with a bargepole. It's somewhat like tripe in the UK: something formerly eaten by the poor, because they couldn't afford anything better, now shunned by most people because it tastes bad & has connotations of poverty & hunger, but sought out by a few for reasons of nostalgia or curiousity.

NB: my partner is Japanese, & we visit her family in Japan regularly. I have some experience of Japan . . .


The Wanderer

Padman said:
Hell RNZN and RAN should schedule some Southern Ocean naval exercises to coincide with main whaling season (does anyone know how long it lasts?), declare an exclusion zone, and assume that any other vessel entering it is a target!
Unfortunately the sticky wicket is Japans pretty much Aus and NZs biggest trading partner, Im all for the exclusion zone but whe can't pi** the Japanese to much, we could give the Norwegians a bit more hell though, the other member of the Whaling Axis of Evil:gun


Just need to put out a few bogus scientific papers which demonstrate a causal link between the consumption of whale meet and cancer that would soon dampen the market, sounds like a throw back to the Icelandic cod war in the 1970's.


New Member
KH-12 said:
Just need to put out a few bogus scientific papers which demonstrate a causal link between the consumption of whale meet and cancer that would soon dampen the market, sounds like a throw back to the Icelandic cod war in the 1970's.
Yeah, it could almost go down that track. Except that I don't think most NZers would want to risk trade links with one of our chief export markets, even though I would think most of us would oppose whaling. Though talking with many friends I have noticed the issue has highlighted how little NZ can do to protect its own backyard.

Sending a frigate to protect whales also brings back memories of the last HMNZS Otago been sent to protest French nuclear testing in the Kirk era. Especially as patroling whaling areas would be well within the duties of the next Otago. NZ has developed a little bit of a history with sending navy vessels to make political protests with regard to environmental issues, the survey vessel Tui was sent to protest last round of French testing.


Padman said:
Sending a frigate to protect whales also brings back memories of the last HMNZS Otago been sent to protest French nuclear testing in the Kirk era. Especially as patroling whaling areas would be well within the duties of the next Otago. NZ has developed a little bit of a history with sending navy vessels to make political protests with regard to environmental issues, the survey vessel Tui was sent to protest last round of French testing.
Although the French were detonating nuclear weapons in the atmosphere resulting in radioactive drift over international waters (not to mention detonating nukes in geologically unstable coral atolls :eek: ), a bit of a different tone to protecting a whale in international waters, the best defence would be to supply video of suffering whales dying to international news media. It all depends on the mood of the international community the early 70's was a very antinuclear period, do the whales have the emotional support at that level ?


The Wanderer
I think the Canterbury was sent in the 90's after the French stormed the Greenpeace vessel, it was of course to "monitor" the protestors rather than the tests should of just declared a exclusion zone and blockaded the islands:rolleyes: , would of been justified after the blatant act of war that the French comitted by blowing up the 'Warrior in Auckland Harbour:rel

Sea Toby

New Member
I don't think New Zealand is in the position to start a war with France. One nuclear bomb in Auckland would kill off half of its population, if not more.

I have no problems with a little bit of whaling, as long as the numbers harvested are very few.

Of course, Greenpeace and others have a different opinion. But in my humble opinion a little bit of whaling isn't an issue worth going to war.


Honorary Moderator / Defense Professional / Analys
Verified Defense Pro
Think the thread is going a bit off topic here guys, plus digging up some old news.


The Wanderer
Fair Enough

C'mon you can't tell me it still doesn't rile you up a little? :p:

Back on topic well this brings up the old Coast Guard debate, in Australias case they deployed what up to 2-3 Frigates? at the height of the boat people arrivals, now in terms of transport they could carry the 20+ people that the Fremantles couldn't. As is genrally the case size matters and if youre willing to show the flag by deploying what these days is considered a major combantant vessel you show resolve, I guess its symbolism with a 127mm deck gun. For the war on drugs we've seen up to Cruiser size celebrating its major drug hauls I think when you want show reslove you pull out any reasonable stop.


If you are talking fisheries protection a frigate is somewhat overkill , I think the OPV design is a good fit for this kind of work, a few bursts of 25mm cannon will get a trawlers attention as well as a 76mm gun, the ability to deploy a Helicopter is obviously a very desirable feature, which gives you the option to reach out and touch an offending vessel that has a high speed capability which may be employed by drug runners etc.