Any assistance we could have given in GW1 would have been negligible compared to the large numbers of aircraft put up by the US, UK, France etc...our A4's would have most likely have sat around doing bugger all. I've been told that a number of SAS troopers were on secondment to the UK SAS and went to the Gulf and participated.Desert Storm 1 1991. All the A4s at that stage had the Kahu upgrade and they would've played havoc against Husseins tank and armies in general. Instead the NZG decided to send some medics who upon return learned a hard lesson about keeping their mouths shut around a lot of service personnel who were highly pi**ed off at not going.
East Timor 1999. 2 Sqn could've positioned for maritime strike against Indonesia Naval Units that tried to interfere and 75 Sqn could've down CAS for ground troops and backed up 2 Sqn. Both were opportunities lost.
In both counts it would've cost money. You also have to plan for the days when you may / will need to have the ACF capability.