CNN or for that matter, everyone knows how patriotic american media is
Interesting to say the least, the running joke in America is that CNN stands for the Communist News Network. American media is so liberal that your statement is completley rediculous. Secondly, unlike many other countries the American government does not censor nor control the news media. Freedom of speach is a pretty big thing here.
Neutralize does not mean killing cold-blooded on the back. Perhaps that is American way of describing neutralizing. Upon that Cheers, another american symbol of love'em all or kick'em all. I guess US Forces could take some training from British soldiers present in Iraq, who at least tried to win hearts of Iraqi's by trying to mix up with them.
Also for americans. Every mis-adventure in blindness of technological superiority gives birth to people who are ready to blow back. Guess this is why Americans are afraid to travel to Asia or Europe since Iraq war. For them world is canada, mexico & US......right?
Not anit-American? Pullease! If this was as simple as it appears the US news media would be all over this story like white on rice. And the US has court martialled more than 1 soldier for human rights violations in Iraq that are petty compared to what's shown here. Take if for what it is, propaganda plain and simple.