The point I'm making is that the UAVs can get shot down. The blackbird couldn't. Not discussing anything on recon ability.
Err - it could get shot down. It wasn't easy (very difficult, in fact), but it was possible. It could be seen coming from a long way off, giving time to get MiG-25s into firing position ahead of it.
An interceptor doesn't have to be faster than the thing it's intercepting if that thing & its route can be identified early enough, & the interceptor is in the right position. This means interception from the front quarter, of course.
It has been suggested that a MiG-25 radar & fire control system couldn't cope with the closing speed of an SR-71 head on, necessitating launch from under & behind at short (several km) range. Any further away & the missiles would run out of fuel before catching the SR-71. IR missiles could be used from that distance - the SR-71 was big & very hot, thus an easy IR target.
There was also the SA-5 missile, which certainly had the range, speed, & altitude performance needed - though the SR-71 supposedly had excellent ECM, & would have had to have flown within the lethal envelope of an SA-5 battery.