Scorpius said:
that's what I am afraid of too.
question:If US launches attacks against Iran don't you think that Iran may counter attack those bases?aren't they carrying out exercises for this?
Don't you think that the US military, and the host nations are capable of defending those bases from Iranian terrorists? And that any such attack on American assets would only serve to anger tham more, which is NOT a good idea when they can bomb any place on the planet with near impunity. They already have Iran virtually surrounded, and they wouldn't even have to ask anyone for over-flight permission or basing rights. Actually, they can simultaneously attack from two neighboring nations- Iraq, and Afghanistan, as well as several Gulf states, multiple carrier strike groups in the PG, and IO, and their air base at Diego Garcia. They could even launch bombing strikes from bases in the continental US, as they recently have done against Bosnia, Afghanistan, and Iraq. While their army is tied up at the moment, their Air Force and Navy is more than capable of carrying out non-stop attacks throughout Iran at any time.
Honestly, any sort of retaliation by Iran would probably be anticipated, and dealt with HARSHLY, and the American response would certainly entail more bombs being dropped on Iran. The US will only continue to attack as long as there appears to be legitimate military targets, and enemy resistance.
At this time, it appears that Europe is also commited to ensuring Iran abides by the Nuclear Non-Proliferation treaty it has signed. That means that we aren't just talking about a unilateral American military action- it's becoming more apparent that a large coalition of Western nations may be carrying out attacks against Iran for non-compliance, as directed by the UN Security Council.
The smartest thing the Iranians could do, is realize they are going to suffer like Iraq has been made to suffer, and back away from the brink of conflict BEFORE it happens.
The second smartest thing they could do is surrender quickly and quietly before the US and Coalition forces completely obliterates their entire society.
The Iranians must de-escalate this showdown before it snowballs out of control, or they will probably go the way of Iraq. And increased terrorism before or after a conflict with the Americans is just going to get the heat turned up on Iran.