aaaditya said:
1)india has still not abandoned arjun there is no confirmation to this regard from the army chief.
2)arjun runs on diesel and not on petroleum.
3)t-80 was offred to india after it was sold to pakistan that too without transfer of technology and with a gas turbine engine.
4)india has not purchased any additional t-90's after the original order of the 320 t-90's atleast not yet though there is a proposal to purchase it in order to replace the 800 vaijayantas that have been retired.:coffee
hmm...clash of information.
As far as I was told or rather herd was that Indians were offered T-80 by Ukrain & Pakistan ran to China for T-90s as a counter but Indians dropped the Idea & later both T-90 & 80 fell on Pakistan's lep.
Sorry about patrolium enigne. You are right abt gas turbine. I appologize. My mistake, hope u for give me. But what I read was that India opted for Gas Turbine engine for Arjun. Ukrainians were offering diesal engine.
Abt abondening Arjun. We had a previously a discussions on Pak & India Tanks. Some one posted news from India that Arjun is going to be shut down, later I read on the net that it has been because of the weight problems, but still Indian army will buy abt 20 or so & not more.
Search the thread to find the news of "Going to be shut down" & search net for "Has been shut down or will not be shut down".