I wonder if the British Admirals are saying to themselves, damn it sure would be nice to have an Aegis Destroyer by the Falklands; they can attack aircraft; submarines and land targets. OMG what have we done!!!!.............................I’m just reading their minds that all. But seriously if you would have gone the Aegis way you would probably have 6-8 Aegis on hand and all the nations of SA would not dare to think to retake the Falkland’s. I know it’s a matter of pride for the English.
A) I think you are probably overstating the actual current "threat" to the Falklands, at the moment its just posturing. If something does occur in the nest 10-20 years we should have QE and POW, 6 Type 45, upgraded T23 and Type 26 coming on line, Astutes, F35s and Typhoon.
B) Had the UK purchased Aegis, I doubt there would be a UK industry for AESA radars, it may well have impacted on a whole host of other projects, Artisan. Maybe one of the boards experts could tell us how much technology from Samson gets pulled through to CAESAR on the Typhoon or other systems??
C) Although there is limited export potential for SAMSON, at least that means only the RN really knows how it works and what its capabilities are, the Argentinians operated Type 42 , Sea Dart and 965 Radar, they new its capabilities and its weaknesses, it may well have allowed them to succesfully attack our own T42's, Ok a lot would be common sense but it cant have hurt.
Aegis/SPY these days is widely exported, as a system. We will never know, but is it perfect? Does it do certain things in certain ways that make it vulnerable in certain scenarios? Are some of its secrets known because it is widely used. Again maybe a board expert could assist? I think you need to look at US Systems as a whole, they have multiple assets, the world best AEW capability, SIGNIT, ESM as well as unrivalled strike assets, Aegis therefore fits into a system that no other navy can match. Take AEGIS/SPY/STANDARD alone thoughon a handfull of ships, without the assorted goodies that only the US possesses, then would it be the best option for the RN?
D) Im not sure AEGIS would have worked out any cheaper. I would have been happy with either system but I can see why there are strong industrial reasons to go home grown.