The Bunker Group
'Yeni Hava Savunma Füzemizi Yakında Anons Edeceğiz"
Savunma Sanayii Başkanı Prof. Dr. İsmail Demir, Kanal 7 canlı yayına konuk oldu. Demir, Türkiye'nin hava savunma projeleriyle ilgili açıklamalarda bulundu.
Turkish forum already talking on Turkey will be phasing out dependence on foreign air defence system. They talk on layers of air defense system produce by Turkish roketsan.
Above the article on Hisars Medium Range Air Defense System. Base on my understanding with google translate, seems this system will be develop further for long range area defense up to 100km range.
I know Sultan Erdo provide strong political support for Turkish Defense Industry. He seems used that as 'prestige voters getters' to maintain his political based. However with continues economics problem facing Turkey, I do wonder which projects in the end they are going to give priority.
Sultan Erdo political reasoning for strong indigenous defense industry, to give Turkey more independent on regional politics from internal Nato pressure. Also national prestige seems working on for his base so far. I just don't see with Turkey economics condition, they can afford all the projects. Something has to give.