Well, if you want to take away the 127mm guns and Phalanx CIWS systems the only close range defense of your cruisers and destroyers are a couple of 25mm ACs and some .50cals.
That means they are fighting it out with small combatants on short distances on an nearly even footing. Not desirable in a number of situations. Remember that even drugged up Somali pirates attacked US cruisers of the horn of Africa. Not to talk of the miryiad of other countries that feature tons of small boats with everything from autocannons up to multiple rocket launchers.
And the coming advances in naval gun technologies like US, British or Italian programmes (Vulcano ammunition for example) means that guns are going to become even more flexible.
Being able to fire GPS guided rounds, base bleed rounds or rounds with an IR seeker will in many situations much more usefull than some more VLS tubes.
Building the Flight III Burkes without a modern gun system would result in the 57mm guns on the LCS being the biggest and only guns in the USN. That would be ridicilous for a country which has a Marine Corps which is bigger than some countries normal armies...
That means they are fighting it out with small combatants on short distances on an nearly even footing. Not desirable in a number of situations. Remember that even drugged up Somali pirates attacked US cruisers of the horn of Africa. Not to talk of the miryiad of other countries that feature tons of small boats with everything from autocannons up to multiple rocket launchers.
And the coming advances in naval gun technologies like US, British or Italian programmes (Vulcano ammunition for example) means that guns are going to become even more flexible.
Being able to fire GPS guided rounds, base bleed rounds or rounds with an IR seeker will in many situations much more usefull than some more VLS tubes.
Building the Flight III Burkes without a modern gun system would result in the 57mm guns on the LCS being the biggest and only guns in the USN. That would be ridicilous for a country which has a Marine Corps which is bigger than some countries normal armies...