As well as the M2K-9, the UAE has all those F-16Es being delivered. More fighters than it can operate. Many of the Mirage 2000-9 are in storage, & many of the F-16E are expected to join them as soon as they're delivered. Not enough pilots, not enough ground crew. UAE AF needs more fighters like it needs a hole in its collective head. If I was the UAE head of government, any defence minister or air force commander who came to me with a proposal to buy Rafale (or any other new fighter) would be shot for treason, unless he accompanied it with a signed contract from someone to buy the entire fleet of one of the current types, & all the clearances from either France or the USA for re-export.
If, on the other hand, he came to me with proposals to improve pilot & ground crew training & retention, & buy some elint & AEW aircraft, I'd thank him warmly & start thinking about funding.