The Russian-Ukrainian War Thread


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Dan Rice makes a case for deployment of M26, and M26A1 munitions to Ukraine. He states that there are thousands of these rockets slated for disposal so the case can be made that there is no cost to the US. These munitions have a range of 30, and 45 km respectively, carrying 644, and 512 sub-munitions. These are fired from both the M14, and the HIMARS launchers, and would provide a cost effective boost to alleviate shortage of conventional artillery shells.

M26 rockets (sans cluster warheads) are being recycled into GL-SDB, which Ukraine's getting. How many, how fast, I can't say. There have been delays.


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M26 rockets (sans cluster warheads) are being recycled into GL-SDB, which Ukraine's getting. How many, how fast, I can't say. There have been delays.
Are they all being recycled? Literally none to spare now? Would there be value in providing some un-recycled because it could be done faster? It seems that Ukraine is in a tight spot at least in part because production is taking a while to ramp up.

Well war is theft writ large. The areas that Russia annexed were annexed illegally and as such not recognised under international law. China, North Korea, and Iran might recognise the illegal annexations; but many other countries won't because it would create a precedent in modern international law, and they certainly don't want to lose any territory by fair means or foul. That's why I wish Mr C was still around because he would be able to explain it all for us.
Sure but I think this takes us outside the realm of war crimes specifically.
That's why from beginning whether in this thread or other Russian thread, I already say the sanctions only give emergence to alternatives channels. This will fasten emergences of multi polar trade channels. Alternatives to western control ones. Western politicians help fastening emergences of rivals channels.
I agree with everything you've written, perhaps I'm not expressing myself well. I see the cap as part of the whole package not an isolated measure - a price cap alone is of course meaningless, and the other financial measures are being adjusted to with time. Sorry for chewing up space on the War thread.


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Are they all being recycled? Literally none to spare now? Would there be value in providing some un-recycled because it could be done faster? It seems that Ukraine is in a tight spot at least in part because production is taking a while to ramp up.
I agree.

I'm sure there are more in stock than are being converted. I doubt they're modifying the oldest. Ship 'em the oldest which are still usable, & save the newer ones for converson. The Ukrainians could use them & it'd save the cost of disposal.


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Oskol Front.

Russian forces are advancing dead east of Kupyansk, north of the village of Ivanovka, using the nearby forest to move along the road. However considering the distances it's likely this push isn't aimed at Kupyansk itself, at least not yet. Rather I suspect the next step will be to try and take the village of Ivanovka.


Russian forces are counter-attacking both west of Artemovsk near the Bekhovka reservoir and in the Klescheevka/Andreevka area. In the north Russia has made considerable gains, undoing much of Ukraine's pushes in that area. Though Russian forces are still far from the road to Chasov Yar. In the south Russian forces have retaken some positions north of Klescheevka, making parts of the village a no-mans land. Most of the villages of Andreevka and Klescheevka are just rubble, and thus hard to hold.


Russia is continuing to advance in Avdeevka. It's mirroring the approach to Artemovsk/Bakhmut at the operational-tactical level though there are tactical differences. Russian gains are being reported in the industrial park south of the town, around the chemical plant in the north, and north-west out of the town, including grabbing a foothold in the Stepove and pushing Ukrainian forces out of the village, and advancing north-west along the railroad tracks. A lot of these gains are subject to Ukrainian counter-attacks. However the focus of Ukrainian forces on the more threatening element in the north is likely what's making Russian advances in the east and south of the town possible.

Russian airstrikes hitting Avdeevka. Russian airpower replacing massed artillery is one of the distionctions between this offensive and Artemovsk/Bakhmut.

Russian FPV drone flies right into a Ukrainian dugout near Avdeevka.

Russian helicopters around Avdeevka.


Heavy fighting continues around the Krynki foothold in Kherson region. Ukrainian forces are rushing in reinforcements and desperately attempting to expand the perimeter. Russian forces are counter-attacking and striking the area with nearly everything, from artillery and rockets, to TOS thermobarics, and bombs.

Russian 177th Marines (Caspian Flotilla) firing incendiaries at Ukrainian forces near the Krynki foothold.

Russian forces in their new Desertcross buggies.

Interesting tidbits.

Russia struck another Ukrainian staging area in the same village of Dimitrovo where the 128th just got hit. This time it was a National Guard unit. Casualty figures are unavalaible at this time.

We have first confirmed usage of RBK-500 guided cluster bombs by Russia. These are being used at Staromayorskoe. We've seen Russian use of guided cluster-munitions before, but those weren't confirmed by munition.

Foreign artillery shells are becoming more and more common in Russian service.

Russian Strela-10 SAMs using the new 9M333 missiles. With the Sosna not in production, and the UAV threat ever-present a modern missile is a must.

Reportedly new Russian Mal'va howitzers have been used in the war. In principle there is nothing particularly unlikely about this. It's just a Msta cannon on a BAZ truck. However confirmation is lacking.

A rare surviving BMD-4M with roof and side cages. Note the vehicle is quite modern by the standards of this conflict, but has relatively poor protection. Also the VDV has seen some of the heaviest fighting. And since the war began I have seen no confirmation of new deliveries of these vehicles.

And a Russian improvised Grad rack. The parallels are quite interesting to watch.

Russia is forming an elite regiment, 2000 strong, in Moscow region. The unit is only recruiting combat veterans. The purpose is to use it in the current war. Presumably the intent is to use it as an assault element somewhere. Given that it's only being formed now, it probably won't be ready for some time, unless the intent is to commit it piecemeal.

Ukrainian soldier shows off a 3D printed improvised hand grenade.



Crickets so far. Presumably they will go into one of the new units Ukraine is currently forming. It takes time to not only train the crew but to integrate platoons, companies, the btln, and train together with the infantry to make them useful. A delay is normal especially since the offensive is basically over.
Have you seen anything yet on the Abrams tanks? I still haven't heard a report of them being used.


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Have you seen anything yet on the Abrams tanks? I still haven't heard a report of them being used.
They were only very recently delivered. They will likely get used as part of a Ukrainian counter-attack somewhere against the upcoming Russian offensive. They might show up near Avdeevka, or Kupyansk. Depending on Russian efforts around Mar'inka and Novomihailovka they could show up there too.


Well-Known Member
There have been reports of Russian tanks getting stuck in mud there ,not sure how the Abrams will go,is this offensive by Russia too late because of winter onset?


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There have been reports of Russian tanks getting stuck in mud there ,not sure how the Abrams will go,is this offensive by Russia too late because of winter onset?
It doesn't seem to be too late. Russia seems to be doing the same thing at Avdeevka that they did at Artemovsk/Bakhmut. Pressuring the flanks then assaulting into the town when that doesn't produce immediate results. Russia is going to continue alternating pushing the flanks and pushing into the town. Again this can't end the war and has near zero strategic impact. But it's completely doable.


Active Member
Lots of misleading information in that article from The Independent. The most obvious one being

Beyond its impact on Ukrainian citizens, Russia’s invasion has affected millions around the world by increasing global food insecurity – Ukraine was the world’s largest wheat producer prior to the conflict.

Ukraine was never the largest wheat producer in the world, of course.

I haven’t looked at the report itself yet, but seems like quite a stretch as far the accusation of war crime goes. It is also pretty weird that one of the people who compiled the report says something along the lines of that “it is highly likely that Russia will be found guilty”.

Sorry, Brits, but a lot of your media appears to be from mildly to extremely yellow.
The Independent is 41percent owned by a Russian citizen living in the UK who actually sits in the UK house of Lords, a further 30 percent by a Saudi citizen.



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Yes, it ceased to be independent a long time ago.

It was set up as a newspaper with no links to any political party, big business, or other interest group. Sadly, that model didn't survive. It started OK, but eventually ran into money difficulties & sold out, in more ways than just financial.

Sandhi Yudha

Well-Known Member
Reddit seems to be blocked or something in our country, so here another link about the Desertcross 1000-3

|"Compared to the Russian AM-1 ATV, the Desertcross 1000-3 features an increased load capacity of over 50%, enabling efficient transport of equipment and supplies. It is equipped to transport wounded and sick individuals and includes tie-down straps on the front and rear cargo platforms for securing property."|

So it seems to be a very practical vehicle. But it is not clear how the quality and durability is.


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No major movements. Russia is continuing their slow-push into Avdeevka and north of Avdeevka. No further attempts to attack to the south-west of the town. Russia is slowly inching through the industrial park in south-eastern Avdeevka.

An allegedly Ukrainian T-64BV destroyed near Avdeevka.

An abandoned, presumably knocked out, Ukrainian Bradley with BRAT ERA near Avdeevka. A Russian soldier is posing with it.

A Ukrainian Leo-2A6 active near Avdeevka.

Russian incendiaries falling on Avdeevka.

A Ukrainian staging area in the basement of the Avdeevka chemical plant.

Other interesting tidbits.

A Ukrainian unmanned boat crashed in Crimea.

Apparently Nov 18th-19th Russia published 4 videos showing Ukrainian artillery on the right coast of Kherson region getting hit. Presumably this is counter-battery work designed to limit the ability of Ukrainian artillery to support the foothold.

Russian forces show off a captured M113. While quite a few of these were captured, it's unlikely Russian forces will be able to operate them in the medium term due to lack of spares. Curiously the person filming appears to be a VDV soldier since he compares it to the BTR-MDM, the

A very rare and brand new Russian Plastun-SN light-armored offroad vehicle destroyed in Ukraine. We haven't had any news of deliveries or even acceptance for service at least that I know of.

An interesting illustration of why well-positioned ERA matters. When the armor layout for the T-72B3 was first shown in public it was immediately criticized for gaps in the ERA. Many responded by commenting that the gaps are small and the enemy is unlikely to be able to target them.

In Donetsk region a concert for Russian service members was hit by a Ukrainian missile strike. Luckily one of the missiles failed to detonate, limiting casualties to reportedly 7 KIAs including the singer. The missiles that failed to detonate was the one that hit the concert hall dead on during the performance.

A rare CR-2 in Zaporozhye. Noteworthy for it's absence of slat armor or ERA.

Russian Desertcross in action near Staromlynovka evacuating wounded.

An interesting look at a Russian MoD document for attaching roof cages to various vehicles.

Russia's 164th MRBde riding AMN MRAPs.

A heavier octo-copter was shown in Ukraine carrying smaller FPV drones as an airborne drone-carrier. Initially it was reported as a Ukrainian development. Now sources are claiming it's Russian. It's unclear whose it is, but if this works well it's likely both sides will use it.

A Ukrainian Strv-122 on the Krasniy Liman axis. Note the snow. The weather is getting steadily worse. So far it doesn't look like a warm winter this year, though it remains to be seen.

An Iveco VM 90P in Ukrainian service. Reportedly Ukraine received 5 of these.

Germany's latest aid package to Ukraine apparently includes 4 IRIS-Ts, presumably we're talking about 4 TELs not 4 batteries. Some were lost on the front line.

After a break Iranian transport flights to Russia have resumed. Unclear what they're delivering but it comes as the US expresses concerns about ballistic missiles being handed over to Russia.

Ukraine's 146th Repair Rgt training on Leo-1 repairs, presumably in Germany.

Ukraine's 241st TerDef Bde with a KS-19 on a Tatra chassis.



Active Member
Ukraine is claiming a new long range sniper hit at 2800 meters with a domestically produced rifle firing a wildcat cartridge of 12.7 by 114mm. There is a video, but I cannot see enough to judge weather this is real. I suppose if they keep lobbing enough bullets at that range eventually they will have a hit. They have had a year to get there so maybe this is true.

A strike on Russian logistics by HIMARS. It looks like some ammunition went up in smoke.

Another strike on Russian LOG lines.

There are many talking about how western support for Ukraine is failing. Putin probably would not have invaded if he had any idea how much support Ukraine would get. I keep seeing commitments for long range support from many in NATO, and people I talk to in the US are all for continued support. Many of us remember the days when every municipality had a designated shelter in case of a nuclear strike. The Department of Defense recently pledged over 44 BN dollars for F-16's alone.

The following link is a round up of the alleged damages to the Black Sea Fleet. Many of these have been confirmed, and Russia is somewhat inhibited in their Naval operations.
