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- #8,601
I'm going to stop simply listing all footage of vehicles getting hit from either side unless there's something remarkable about it. There's too much of it, and with my sources being primarily Russia, I give a pretty skewed picture anyway. Best sources I follow from the Russia side, for those who want to do it yourself, are;
Basically nothing has changed. Ukrainian attacks at Verbovoe have failed. Ukraine still holds the northern outskirts of Rabotino, the rest of the village appears to be no-mans land. Russia either has no positions in the village, or just some forward LP/OPs. On the Vremyevskiy bulge Ukrainian forces are regrouping for another round of attacks. Lastly at Pyatihatka Ukraine has stopped all attacks from the looks of it. It seems the focus of Ukraine's efforts is to achieve a breakthrough at Verbovoe. Reportedly Ukraine's 71th Yegerskaya Bde is entering the fight.
Reportedly a Spartan APC destroyed near Rabotino. This is our first sighting of this type in the area, and likely indicates a new unit joining the fight. No clue which though.
Another destroyed Caesar, this one on the new Tatra chassis. Note while Caesars are now getting hit more frequently, the PzH-2000 remains scarce. However we also haven't seen footage of them in action lately. It's possible they're pulled back from the front as part of Ukraine's troop rotations.
Ukrainian forces captured a T-90M near Rabotino. I believe this is the second such trophy.
Allegedly a second destroyed Challenger 2 near Rabotino. Personally I'm not sure this isn't the same tank. For comparison in the second link we can see the confirmed first lost CR-2.
Ukraine upgraded a number of their Leo-2A4s with K-1 on the sides, and has already lost at least one such upgraded tank.
Two M88s towing a single Leo-2. This is a good illustration to the difficulties of evacuating damaged vehicles.
Russia has struck a Ukrainian military hospital in Zaporozhye. To the best of my understanding, striking hospitals is pretty much always a warcrime, unless the hospital is being used as an area from which attacks are being carried out. Given the use of gliding bombs, this is likely some distance from the front line.
Ukrainian attacks continue on the Andreevka-Klescheevka-Kurdyumovka line. Ukrainian forces hold parts of Klescheevka, using the hills south-west of the village, Russian forces are holding positions in the north-east, with much of the village in no-mans land. Andreevka appears to be in no-man's land, but we have some fog of war. Russian forces do hold the railroad area.
Russian Ka-52s are now active near Artemovsk/Bakhmut. Previously they were primarily focused around Zaporozhye with some appearances on the Oskol Front. This is likely in reaction to Ukraine's recent efforts here. It will be interesting to see if Russia has enough of these rotary assets to cover multiple areas.
Russia strikes a Ukrainian munitions train at Dorozhnaya station. This is the second such strike. If Russia can manage to regularly hit Ukrainian supply trains, this will compound and definitely effect the situation on the front, but it's unclear why Russia can do this now, and what has changed. These could just be two lucky strikes.
I'm going to stop simply listing all footage of vehicles getting hit from either side unless there's something remarkable about it. There's too much of it, and with my sources being primarily Russia, I give a pretty skewed picture anyway. Best sources I follow from the Russia side, for those who want to do it yourself, are;

Рубрика от Ледка
На TG-канале публикуется техника, потерянная вооруженными силами Украины в зоне проведения СВО. Карта, аналитика и графики потерь: https://clck.ru/3AhtVB Присылайте ваши материалы в бот: @RL_feedback_bot Поддержать: https://boosty.to/rubric_lossesvsu/
Потери военной техники в локальных конфликтах XXI века
Крупнейший военно-аналитический портал, посвященный потерям военной техники в локальных конфликтах XX-XXI века.

Basically nothing has changed. Ukrainian attacks at Verbovoe have failed. Ukraine still holds the northern outskirts of Rabotino, the rest of the village appears to be no-mans land. Russia either has no positions in the village, or just some forward LP/OPs. On the Vremyevskiy bulge Ukrainian forces are regrouping for another round of attacks. Lastly at Pyatihatka Ukraine has stopped all attacks from the looks of it. It seems the focus of Ukraine's efforts is to achieve a breakthrough at Verbovoe. Reportedly Ukraine's 71th Yegerskaya Bde is entering the fight.

Времьевский участок: безуспешные накаты ВСУ на Новодонецкое и Новомайорское Обстановка по состоянию на 16.00 13 сентября 2023 года Противник продолжает попытки улучшить тактическое положение, атакуя лесопосадки на рубеже Новодонецкое — Новомайорское. ВСУ раз за разом повторяют привычные...

Ореховский участок: тяжёлые потери ВСУ и ввод в бой 71 егерской бригады обстановка по состоянию на 19.00 12 сентября 2023 года Южнее Орехова продолжается штурм позиций ВС РФ. После многонедельных «мясных» атак противник смог продвинуться между Работино и Вербовым, и сейчас пытается проделать...
Reportedly a Spartan APC destroyed near Rabotino. This is our first sighting of this type in the area, and likely indicates a new unit joining the fight. No clue which though.

Рубрика от Ледка
FV103 Spartan - уничтожен Возле с. Работино в Токмакском районе Запорожской области. Обстоятельства гибели бронетранспортера неизвестны. Оригинал ; №2 ID LostArmour
Another destroyed Caesar, this one on the new Tatra chassis. Note while Caesars are now getting hit more frequently, the PzH-2000 remains scarce. However we also haven't seen footage of them in action lately. It's possible they're pulled back from the front as part of Ukraine's troop rotations.

Рубрика от Ледка
CAESAR на базе Tatra T815-7 - уничтожен Запорожская область. В ходе кoнтрбaтaрейного oгня, артиллерией из 38 омсбр подбита САУ ВСУ. Source: TikTok
VK.com | VK
Ukrainian forces captured a T-90M near Rabotino. I believe this is the second such trophy.
VK.com | VK
Allegedly a second destroyed Challenger 2 near Rabotino. Personally I'm not sure this isn't the same tank. For comparison in the second link we can see the confirmed first lost CR-2.
На кадрах, снятых украинскими боевиками в районе Работино, засветился второй уничтоженный "Челленджер". @voenkorKotenok

Лучшие кадры (от "Фронтовой птички") за сегодня. Очередное кладбище украинской техники в районе Работино во главе с британским танком "Челленджер-2".
Ukraine upgraded a number of their Leo-2A4s with K-1 on the sides, and has already lost at least one such upgraded tank.
VK.com | VK
Two M88s towing a single Leo-2. This is a good illustration to the difficulties of evacuating damaged vehicles.
VK.com | VK
Russia has struck a Ukrainian military hospital in Zaporozhye. To the best of my understanding, striking hospitals is pretty much always a warcrime, unless the hospital is being used as an area from which attacks are being carried out. Given the use of gliding bombs, this is likely some distance from the front line.
VK.com | VK
Ukrainian attacks continue on the Andreevka-Klescheevka-Kurdyumovka line. Ukrainian forces hold parts of Klescheevka, using the hills south-west of the village, Russian forces are holding positions in the north-east, with much of the village in no-mans land. Andreevka appears to be in no-man's land, but we have some fog of war. Russian forces do hold the railroad area.

❗️ Соледарское направление: успешная контратака ВС РФ у Клещеевки обстановка по состоянию на 14.00 13 сентября 2023 года Юго-западнее Бахмута на рубеже Клещеевка — Андреевка развернулись интенсивные боестолкновения. В результате контратаки сводных подразделений российской армии удалось выбить...
Russian Ka-52s are now active near Artemovsk/Bakhmut. Previously they were primarily focused around Zaporozhye with some appearances on the Oskol Front. This is likely in reaction to Ukraine's recent efforts here. It will be interesting to see if Russia has enough of these rotary assets to cover multiple areas.
VK.com | VK
Russia strikes a Ukrainian munitions train at Dorozhnaya station. This is the second such strike. If Russia can manage to regularly hit Ukrainian supply trains, this will compound and definitely effect the situation on the front, but it's unclear why Russia can do this now, and what has changed. These could just be two lucky strikes.