The Bunker Group
Every sides will call the foreign fighters fighting on opposite side as 'merc'.I object to the general term of "mercenary" applied to the volunteer fighters for UKR as per the RU MOD.

UNITED STATES : Role of US private military contractors expanding sharply in Ukraine - 02/11/2022 - Intelligence Online
As Russia's war in Ukraine grinds into its ninth month, the role of PMCs backing Ukrainian troops appears to be growing, interviews and a review of job ads show. - 11/2/2022

Private military firms see demand in Ukraine war
Private military contractors see surging demand in Ukraine - but could the work turn mercenary?

What's the differences for those in Wagner and those with US/West Private Military contractors. The existance of those contractors from West is one of reason existance of Wagner coming. If West can justified Private contractors, why not Russian can do it also. Both contractors are playing on 'grey' area anyways.
For me, what I don't accept is Western media and leaders call Wagner etc as Merc while their private contractors as contractors or voluenteer advisors. Come on all of them are private business working and thrive on conflicts. Not much difference on each other operation.
Off course there are those who fights for pure reasons to help Ukraine. I'm not close my eyes on that. Still increasingly private contractors are playing on both sides. That's also the fact.