The Radar Horizon of the T45 is much longer then that of the Burke class as the Radar is something like twice as high, this means that the ships is much more capable against sea skimming anti-ship missiles, as it has more time to engage them (twice the height=twice the time)spsun100001, the amount of weapons and the potential of those weapons is depedent upon not only the weapon itself but the guidance system used for those weapons. There have been a few rumours problems with the new Aster/Sampson layout, well that is to be expected to be frank. It is a new system.
However let that make no mistake, the T-45 is not costing what it does for nothing. The Arliegh burke MIGHT be a more flexible platform however i doubt seriously if it could compete with the T-45 in AAW. Consider first of all that the most recent major AAW requirements where the Falklands. Who fought that? The British, they will have learnt lessons from that. Those lessons as well as the usual development and planning will have been a big part of the T-45. Its no good having 90+ SM2 sams if they cant engage a missile that is either too agile or too low. The Aster 15 and 30 are agile and SAMPSON radar is able to detect much lower targets i would hazard a guess.
I might complain that the T-45 cannot get the job done, but i am talking about the patrol and drugs/anti terrorist duties that it is stupid to being risked in. In AAW the T-45 is a capable and powerful platform. Just remember this, 150+ missiles are a waste if you get attacked by 40 missiles and only get off 80+. Id rather have two ships with even just 50 missiles to be honest.
As for fitted for but not with. I have begun to possibly change my mind. The harpoon, phalanx and 30 mm guns can all come off the T-42 (the 30mm guns might even get the upgrade the T-23 are gettingthen) and things are then starting to look a bit better. I am assuming the torpedo tubes will be given as well. So why do this before, it cuts cost i suppose (spreads it out) but i think the reason is to get hulls in the water that we need. Perhaps the Navy has realised that and knowing it wont get extra budget for the C-3's its pushed the T-45's into service so they can do Blue water and carrier escort and free up other ships?
The main problem is if the Politicians will cut back on what the T-45 will get when the T-42's retire from active service. That and it WOULD be nice for the extra 16 Slyver 70 cells to be put in to allow more Asters, some LAMs or even development of an Aster 45 long range ABMS.
Don't criticise the ship. It was meant for 28 knots and got 31 knots comfortably and with impressive acceleration time. Its radar is doing well so to be honest it seems to be accounting for itself very well.
Ur probably right about the Harpoon & Phalanx, as has been discussed elsewhere in this thread (round about post #1,000). The Guns are coming straight from the MSI Factory, & it's the T-23's that are being brought up to T-45 standard..As for fitted for but not with. I have begun to possibly change my mind. The harpoon, phalanx and 30 mm guns can all come off the T-42 (the 30mm guns might even get the upgrade the T-23 are gettingthen)
Mmm... I think the Torpedos can wait till a "service period", because of the work that will need done.I am assuming the torpedo tubes will be given as well.
Too true ! ANYONE I've spoken to whose in the Navy, or been onboard the ship during her periods at sea, can't praise the ship enough.So why do this ? It cuts cost i suppose (spreads it out) but i think the reason is to get hulls in the water that we need. Perhaps the Navy has realised that and knowing it wont get extra budget for the C-3's its pushed the T-45's into service so they can do Blue water and carrier escort and free up other ships?
Don't criticise the ship. It was meant for 28 knots and got 31 knots comfortably and with impressive acceleration time. Its radar is doing well so to be honest it seems to be accounting for itself very well.
I'll take your word on crew numbers. I'm still prepared to bet though that the whole life cost is broadly the same when the cost of the Sea Dart upgrade and refits are taken into account that have been needed whilst the Type 45 was in development.An Arleighh Burke Flight 2A has 380 crew, thats double a T45, so your cost savings are a little out, then there is of course the difficulty of finding the crew, RN is struggling at the moment least it needs to do is adopt an Escort that requires more crew than present T42s.
Propulsion isn't just about how quick the vessel is its about how economical it is, in Darings recent sea trials it used a third of the fuel of a T42 even though its a third larger, running costs are important for RN they don't have the limitless budget of the US Navy.
Then there is cost; T45s do not cost £1b, the total cost of the programme for 6 destroyers was a little over £6b including development costs, the actual unit cost was only £650m that would of come down if we'd of built more. Cost for a Burke is $2b, plus of course if you want ABM thats extra, it doesn't come as standard, then there is the cost of filling those 96 vls, that won't exactly be cheap.
Personally I don't have a problem with T45, sure there's a few extra weapon systems I'd like it to have, I think leaving SSM's off is a bit daft but they can be added if needed, land attack missiles would be nice to. It does have a really tasty radar system though and it has missiles that if work as advertised should be just about as good as anything out there, which means it will be plenty good at what it was designed for.
Aster isn't in service yet unless we've actually accepted Daring into operational service which we haven't. Standard is in service on in excess of 150 warships worldwide and Standard is being developed to be TBM capable whereas ASTER isn't.why do they need SSM missiles if their job is to protect the ARG or CBG. thats its main focus everything else is secondary. Im much happier with Fitted for but not with compared with chopping 40 feet off the ship to afford all these extra wizz bangs which was done with the T-42.
the SM-6 still isn't in service ASTER is and that still doesn't stop ASTER being Mach 2 faster than the SM-2/3/6. As you no speed is life and the faster missile has the better chance of stopping missiles/planes
Cost of T45 verses AB isn't an accurate comparison because the cost of AB is due to economies of scale derived from a long production run which ours would not have, unless of course they were built in the US, unit cost of £650m for a T45 should be expected to come down with additional builds as was expected when they were designed.I'll take your word on crew numbers. I'm still prepared to bet though that the whole life cost is broadly the same when the cost of the Sea Dart upgrade and refits are taken into account that have been needed whilst the Type 45 was in development.
Given the choice was between designing and building the the Type 45 which required us to incur the development costs and buying the Arleigh Burke design where they had already been incurred then it's a perfectly accurate comparison of a £1 billion Type 45 to a $2 billion Arleigh Burke.
The £1 billion for the Type 45 which I quoted includes missile costs as I'm assuming does the $2 billion for the Arliegh Burke.
I'm not going to contradict you on the tasty air defence radar or the low running costs (though there was no evidential comparison quoted on fuel ecomony between a type 45 and the AB as your comparison was to the Type 42).
I come back again though to asking what use is a warship on Armilla patrol if Iran kicked off which has no land attack capability to strike shore based offensive assets (SSM sites, airbases, radar stations, naval installations etc.), which cannot establish a zone of sea control from major warships as it has no SSM capability, has no TBM defensive capability and which has limited ASW capability as it has only one small helicopter with no dipping sonar.
The Iranians aren't going to wait until the Type 45 returns to Portsmouth to have those capabilities fitted (though you can't make it TBM capable in any event). Fortunately the Type 45 will probably be in the presence of US equipped ships which have those capabilities which are fitted for and with the required range of capabilities.
Real threats exist now in the operating environment into which the Type 45 will need to deploy for which they are not equipped to deal. We could have had a ship equipped to deal with them already in service for less cost.
pray do say when the last time an SSM was fired in anger im talking about the ship based harpoons and formally exocet missiles. the only anti ship based missiles fired in anger have been sea skua from lynx's on has it happens the Armilla patrol in 1991 gulf war. I think that these are at present not needed on the T-45 the helo is far more useful. If were talking drugs and piracy Harpoons are overkill. While dealing with Iran Sea Skua is far more useful and put the fast attack boats further away from ships. Haven't you notists that the RN doesn't mount SSM on its destroyers.Aster isn't in service yet unless we've actually accepted Daring into operational service which we haven't. Standard is in service on in excess of 150 warships worldwide and Standard is being developed to be TBM capable whereas ASTER isn't.
As to SSM's see my previous post about the Armilla patrol. I can think of fewer more stupid things than a £1 billion warship whose numbers will constitute about 25% of our total surface fleet that can't effectively undertake the most important operational deployment the Navy is required to make.
Not to mention of course that the Burkes are probably poor ASW escorts compared to say a T23 due to their primary role being that of AAW. However due to being "multipurpose" on paper, buying those ships would probably mean a smaller force of ASW ships as well due to the treasury claiming they can do the job of the T23.pray do say when the last time an SSM was fired in anger im talking about the ship based harpoons and formally exocet missiles. the only anti ship based missiles fired in anger have been sea skua from lynx's on has it happens the Armilla patrol in 1991 gulf war. I think that these are at present not needed on the T-45 the helo is far more useful. If were talking drugs and piracy Harpoons are overkill. While dealing with Iran Sea Skua is far more useful and put the fast attack boats further away from ships. Haven't you notists that the RN doesn't mount SSM on its destroyers.
spsun100001 Why in gawds name would put a an anti air destroyer on NGFS it should at most if required for land attack launch cruise missiles but thats all thats miss using resources that task is for a C1/C2 or T23/T22.
you seem to be expecting RN to use its T-45 like an AB which doesn't reflect the different cultures of the two navies. the AB is multi perepous because there are only really AB as escorts[the Perry's don't count as they have been nurtured with only 3in gun and Phalanx] and Ticonderoga class cruiser so they need the other requirements of land attack and ASW/ASuW because apart from Tico they are the escorts as well as the single ship ops.
ASTER not service thats a straw man its in service with French/italian Saudi and Singaporean navy's its as in service as Standards. TBM is still a future upgrade path which the French are keen on.
Have you seen the inflation of warship prices these days 650 million to a billion is a very good deal and comparable to other ships of this class. in 1997 a flight 1 AB $900 million for a ship without a helo hanger. Sterling also pushes up the price compared with countries with a weaker currency
I hope by E. Europe you really meant to say South E. Europe because I wouldn't want to build in Poland, Romaina or the Baltic States, and Russia would be out of the question. Croatia would be the best place in (low cost) Europe with cheapish yards that have the ability to build complicated vessels.Not at all logical, I'm afraid. Indian shipbuilding is neither fast (very slow, in fact) nor particularly cheap. If you want fast & cheap, you go to China, or for a little less cheap but better, & just as fast, S. Korea. Japan, because of the efficiency of its yards, might be able to match India on price, & wins hands down on speed.
There's capacity much closer to home which is cheaper than UK yards & faster, & more efficient, than Indian yards, in E. Europe.
The other advantage is that Odense has a huge sick leave problem whereas the E. Europen yards don't. Even paying the workers at Odense an extra 5 kroner per hour to be at work hasn't stopped workers taking advantage of the generous sick leave entitlements that the Danish give out.Systems Adict,
Re 1 & 3 in case of the Danish frigates. The E. European yeards are owned by the Danish yard, i.e. IP and QA is managed. And they're are bulding blocks, not doing design and assembly. Core skills are maintained.
My 0.02€
Most of the shipyards got bought up by some "ship repairer" company didn't they? They still exist, they just probably don't have the workforce to build large ships anymore without a bit of investment.
pray do say when the last time an SSM was fired in anger im talking about the ship based harpoons and formally exocet missiles. the only anti ship based missiles fired in anger have been sea skua from lynx's on has it happens the Armilla patrol in 1991 gulf war. I think that these are at present not needed on the T-45 the helo is far more useful. If were talking drugs and piracy Harpoons are overkill. While dealing with Iran Sea Skua is far more useful and put the fast attack boats further away from ships. Haven't you notists that the RN doesn't mount SSM on its destroyers.
spsun100001 Why in gawds name would put a an anti air destroyer on NGFS it should at most if required for land attack launch cruise missiles but thats all thats miss using resources that task is for a C1/C2 or T23/T22.
you seem to be expecting RN to use its T-45 like an AB which doesn't reflect the different cultures of the two navies. the AB is multi perepous because there are only really AB as escorts[the Perry's don't count as they have been nurtured with only 3in gun and Phalanx] and Ticonderoga class cruiser so they need the other requirements of land attack and ASW/ASuW because apart from Tico they are the escorts as well as the single ship ops.
ASTER not service thats a straw man its in service with French/italian Saudi and Singaporean navy's its as in service as Standards. TBM is still a future upgrade path which the French are keen on.
Have you seen the inflation of warship prices these days 650 million to a billion is a very good deal and comparable to other ships of this class. in 1997 a flight 1 AB $900 million for a ship without a helo hanger. Sterling also pushes up the price compared with countries with a weaker currency
...After a quick trawl of the net, here's an update of the UK Shipyard picture...That would be A&P Group they have facilities in Tyne, Teeside and Falmouth.
The T-45 never had Harpoons in the first place. Why increase the costs of the ship you are buying when you already have many of the weapons you plan to fit to the ship already on inventory. As far as i'm aware Harpoon is the only one of these weapons where they have annouced they have no plans to fit it. As Phalanx and the Torp Tubes are already owned by the RN you can bet they will fit them as soon as possible.The argument that we don't have things like SSM's because we don't need them is laughable though. You can't have single role platforms in a shrinking fleet. Those capabilities were on the orginal design but were deleted as costs rose. They were taken off because we didn't have the money for them not because the American, French, Italian, Spanish, Australian, Dutch, German, Japanese, Korean, Russian and Chinese Navies were all blundering idiots when they put that capability on their AAW destroyers and only the Royal Navy can see the error of their ways.
The Type 45 doesn't have these capabilities because we couldn't afford them and it's a very much poorer ship as a consequence.
The T-45 never had Harpoons in the first place. Why increase the costs of the ship you are buying when you already have many of the weapons you plan to fit to the ship already on inventory. As far as i'm aware Harpoon is the only one of these weapons where they have annouced they have no plans to fit it. As Phalanx and the Torp Tubes are already owned by the RN you can bet they will fit them as soon as possible.
Lets have a look at the other two capabilities you say the Darings lack in, ABM and TLAM. On the ABM front, I would point that as Ballistic missiles cannot be used against ships, then it would be pointless to fit it the T-45 if we are already building/have land based capabilities for ABM defence, including this European Missile shield they plan to build and Fylingdales.
On the TLAM front you have overlooked the fact that the RN likes to fire its Tomahawks from the safety of its Subs, rather than from a large visible surface ship (read surface target).
We are also overlooking the fact that the Darings are AAW destroyers, not multipuropse destroyers. Anything extra that it can do is only a bonus. Maybe a better debate would be whether the RN is right to continue building these specialised ships when budgets are only getting smaller, rather than arguing over a ship where the RN knew what it was getting and is so far happy with it?
As Kev 99 said, £1 billion includes design & development, spread over 6 ships. Build more, & the unit price comes down. Also, if you incorporate Type 45 technology (e.g. the UK part of PAAMS, the propulsion system, etc.) into other classes of ship, you're spreading that development cost over more platforms, which could either be taken as reducing the unit cost of Type 45s, or saving money of development of other classes.The Type 45 is a great example. I understand that the cost per ship is now in the order of £1 billion which is about the same cost as a flight IIA Arleigh Burke.