The Royal Navy Discussions and Updates


New Member
Real lack of info about COUGAR 14, the task group has deployed but there's not been any info about escorts.

Deployed ships are Ocean, Bulwark, Lyme Bay & Wave Knight but I can't find any info about escorts - probably two frigates - which is a bit strange.

Any thoughts?
At the expense of being shot down, possibly the RN are having difficulties providing suitable platforms.

Sorry, we just don't have enough and the Baltics are warming up to boot.


New Member
Real lack of info about COUGAR 14, the task group has deployed but there's not been any info about escorts.

Deployed ships are Ocean, Bulwark, Lyme Bay & Wave Knight but I can't find any info about escorts - probably two frigates - which is a bit strange.

Any thoughts?
Monmouth refit
Northumberland in theatre, mid East
Montrose refit
Portland Atlantic Patrol
Richmond Caribbean, anti sub training
Somerset Returned to port
St Albans working up
Sutherland refit
Westminster return to port
Argyll UK guardship ?
Iron Duke South Atlantic guardship
Kent working up
Lancaster home waters - contingency?

From MOD website.
We don.t have enough platforms, but maybe Northumberland will join them later.


New Member
Real lack of info about COUGAR 14, the task group has deployed but there's not been any info about escorts.

Deployed ships are Ocean, Bulwark, Lyme Bay & Wave Knight but I can't find any info about escorts - probably two frigates - which is a bit strange.

Any thoughts?
Though to be fair it seems that there are 2*45s in the mid East.
Daring alongside
Dauntless working up
Diamond alongside
Dragon ME
Defender ME
Duncan Cardiff.


Super Moderator
Staff member
That's awful if that's the case, prime example of the RN being poorly funded not being able to escort a single task force.

If this happens with the QEC then the whole point of 'force projection' seems like a joke, probably worse than needing ocean going tugs in case the flat top went kaput.

Might double check that list though, Dragon is still around the UK. In mid-August she was part of a photo op sailing with Duncan and Dauntless around the UK and there's been in news since then about a deployment.

Still. It's a disgrace.


New Member
That's awful if that's the case, prime example of the RN being poorly funded not being able to escort a single task force.

If this happens with the QEC then the whole point of 'force projection' seems like a joke, probably worse than needing ocean going tugs in case the flat top went kaput.

Might double check that list though, Dragon is still around the UK. In mid-August she was RN wepart of a photo op sailing with Duncan and Dauntless around the UK and there's been in news since then about a deployment.

Still. It's a disgrace.
I trawled the RN website.

The cuts have really gone too far and I hope what it shows is that we can not just Sally an escort if needed.

The next government need to put the RN and RAF at the heart of defence and dare I say it, the heart of the nation.


Defense Professional
Verified Defense Pro
Cracking news. The announcement by Obama also stated that all NATO countries will increase there spending to at least 2% of GDP as well.
Anyone know what we are currently spending?
The Mirror actually asked this very question today.

Of all the NATO members, only the US (4.4%), UK (2.4%), Greece (yes, Greece, quit snickering-2.3%), and Estonia (2.0%) were meeting that goal, though, to be fair, France (1.9%) and Poland/Turkey (1.8%) are pretty close. Everyone else is below 1.5%. Dishonorable mention goes to Luxembourg at 0.4%.


Super Moderator
Staff member
RUSI put out an article recently that saying our defence budget will hit 1.88% or some such in the next few years as our GDP is growing faster than the defence budget (or that the defence budget was fixed) or some such.

Bit of a red face for us, so hopefully that indicates an increase in spending.

Anyway, glad to see the carriers have made it. In the face of what's happening in Russia and Iraq it seems like cutting the budget (certainly for us saying how massive a threat ISIS is etc) would be politically unfavourable.

Like kev says, now we need to make sure we can use them effectively. Hopefully supporting a task group with a QEC at the head gets more priority than it has with Ocean/Illustrious.

Remember beedall saying that there was a requirement for a full air group work up/exercise every two years to ensure ship readiness for high tempo operations, hopefully that occurs.

Can't wait for the news reports of 'ship without aircraft' all the way up to 2020.
The Mirror actually asked this very question today.

Of all the NATO members, only the US (4.4%), UK (2.4%), Greece (yes, Greece, quit snickering-2.3%), and Estonia (2.0%) were meeting that goal, though, to be fair, France (1.9%) and Poland/Turkey (1.8%) are pretty close. Everyone else is below 1.5%. Dishonorable mention goes to Luxembourg at 0.4%.
Another way to cut the budget spends and overlay with current armed forces (active) personnel provided by WSJ. Spain and bearing in mind recent economic issues, fares far worse

NATO Leaders to Vow to Lift Military Spending - WSJ


Super Moderator
Staff member
Also read recently Germany (and one other nation I can't remember) moving to block any move to force them to spend 2% of their GDP.


New Member
Also read recently Germany (and one other nation I can't remember) moving to block any move to force them to spend 2% of their GDP.
With regard Latvia, they have been screwed for several years. Drive out of the City and some roads to other towns are unmetalled.

However, they have just agreed a plan to raise spending to 2% over the next 5 years.


New Member

No we just need to make sure we have the assets (manpower/aircraft/escorts) to use them properly.
Does this mean they'd have one active / deployed and the other on standby or in the shop, or do they envision having both carriers available?

I guess my question is: what's the anticipated duty cycle for the carriers?


Super Moderator
Staff member
The aim is to have one always be deployable which has to mean both are not in mothballs and both are crewed because you can't expect one crew to be able to do the job.


New Member
RUSI put out an article recently that saying our defence budget will hit 1.88% or some such in the next few years as our GDP is growing faster than the defence budget (or that the defence budget was fixed) or some such.

Bit of a red face for us, so hopefully that indicates an increase in spending.

Anyway, glad to see the carriers have made it. In the face of what's happening in Russia and Iraq it seems like cutting the budget (certainly for us saying how massive a threat ISIS is etc) would be politically unfavourable.

Like kev says, now we need to make sure we can use them effectively. Hopefully supporting a task group with a QEC at the head gets more priority than it has with Ocean/Illustrious.

Remember beedall saying that there was a requirement for a full air group work up/exercise every two years to ensure ship readiness for high tempo operations, hopefully that occurs.

Can't wait for the news reports of 'ship without aircraft' all the way up to 2020.
Well it will be interesting in the least if there is not an uplift in manpower as even lusty, ocean crew don't come anywhere near crewing two QEC.
Also we have a RFTG deployed with not a single escort, but at least they have a tanker this time, roll on the Germans I believe they are supplying an escort yet we don't seem to be able too.


Super Moderator
Staff member
Brandenburg I think?

But yeah I get what you mean about manpower, but BBC true ports have been very specific about it *not* being in mothballs and if there's a single crew then that itself doesn't allow for 24/7/365, especially if a deployment has just ended.


New Member
Brandenburg I think?

But yeah I get what you mean about manpower, but BBC true ports have been very specific about it *not* being in mothballs and if there's a single crew then that itself doesn't allow for 24/7/365, especially if a deployment has just ended.
It really points to the need for naval command to restructure the RNR to reflect naval branches. If we have 3000 RNR even utilising 500 every six months gives us 3 years leeway to fill gaps in crews as well as possibly give them the fish Sqn to man on six month call ups.