There is no way that RAN would lease nukes. Collins Mk 2 will be conventional and the capability team is not looking at nukes.Nice sub, I wish Australia would get a couple. Perhaps on a lease arrangement?
There is no way that RAN would lease nukes. Collins Mk 2 will be conventional and the capability team is not looking at nukes.Nice sub, I wish Australia would get a couple. Perhaps on a lease arrangement?
Are they looking at AIP GF? If so what? Hydrogen? or recycled diesels?There is no way that RAN would lease nukes. Collins Mk 2 will be conventional and the capability team is not looking at nukes.
Not in a position to say. The existing AIP modules are sitting on a pallet at ASC.Are they looking at AIP GF? If so what? Hydrogen? or recycled diesels?
lol sorry, us aussies just cant help ourselves!!!!Guys, please keep the RAN discussions to the RAN thread.
yep HMS Ocean can take JSF's in the hanger and deck as the lifts are the same size as Invincible[actually their a little larger] and one of the design aspects of the JSF B it that it can fit in the Invincible lifts and as far as i know their rated to the same weight as Invincible so Ocean could probaleyAre the F-35 compatable with HMS Ocean?
I think without the jump it would be a real struggle. Are the decks/lifts strong enough to carry and land the conciderably heavier F-35?
Given the few number of destroyers t-45 the uk might have. I think Ocean would be initally deployed with a CVF. Given that after the inital airstrikes, deploying troops, using helicopters etc is a natural part of securing an area.
Nice sub, I wish Australia would get a couple. Perhaps on a lease arrangement?
my bad, i should have nipped it early. you know how it is though!Guys, please keep the RAN discussions to the RAN thread.
Astute certainly seems to be an extremely advanced submarine, even allowing for a parochial press.I wonder, is this the most advance sub in the world now? American sub technology seems to be falling by the waste side, but I don't see any alarm bells going off in Pentagon.
Will the English sell some of these to their allies?
I don't know why alarm bells would go off in the pentagon. the USN and NAVSEA were called in to assist in Astutes development. The UK sub industry has degraded so much that they called in the cousins for assistance.I wonder, is this the most advance sub in the world now? American sub technology seems to be falling by the waste side, but I don't see any alarm bells going off in Pentagon.
Will the English sell some of these to their allies?
I dissagree the current US Sub's are a generation ahead of the Astutes! The sonar fit, weapons fit, communication and stealth technology of the latter is up there with the best. I doubt there would much in it if you put an ASTUTE up against a US SSN in a simulated sub on sub attack scenario based on there respective onboard sensors / sonar, crew training and weapons at the disposal of the respective commanders.
The current Perisher Teachers (for the last 4 years) have all been Dutch. The RN (and the RAN) have been involved in training (and USN have AWO's on Collins every now and then as part of Perisher training)I thought the Perisher course was still being run using Dutch conventional submarines as part of a joint program? I doubt the RN would cancel the course because it was considered a right of passage for any RN officer wanting to become a sub-commander. Using Dutch conventional subs save's cost, plus theres no way you are going to use a Nuclear boat on such an intensive course (cost / deployment schedule). Using Dutch boats allows many NATO countries, who do not operate SSN's, to take part.
Well I'm sure the Astutes will be tested against thier American and Australian counter-parts, so we will just have to wait and see if the results are ever made public.
Nuclear specific trg comes under different programmesRead attached review of Perisher dated 2002. I can confirm, after a bit of web-surfing, the Dutch do in fact host the course for NON-NUCLEAR subs.
The importance of diesel perisher is that the threat is in the littorals. at this stage the brits don't have access to sympathetic weapons systems such as CBASS etc... so the training to deal with diesels in the littorals is completely different in a lot of areasRead my last the UK is running Persiher for Nuclear Boats, and judging from the feed-back the trainig does not look too bad!