1805 Said
The T42 took the place of the T82 which didn't have layered defence. The Counties were nice looking ships, but a disaster for the RN. Both Sea Slug & Sea Cat were completely hopeless, even for the threats they faced at the time; leaving this ships virtually undefended. The BBC did a Panorama programme in the 60s on how poor they were, which the MOD tried to suppress. With their big crews, steam plant and being unable to defend themselves let alone others, the RN could not wait to get ride of them.
Counties were designed and built at a time when electronics missiles propulsion were evolving very quickly, type 82 was to replace them, it was however only a one of a kind as politicians cut funding and requirement was for CVA01 escort which was not built so the 42’s replaced the counties. Incidentally when designed using gas propulsion was quite novel, you are correct they were designed in another age when manpower was not so critical, you also may be surprised to hear Panorama and the BBC sometimes get things wrong the good thing about the counties was the layered defence the point you continue to ignore, my original comments still stand.
1805 Said
The T42 did actually achieve exports (if you exclude minesweepers the last new RN designs?). Had the deal with the Dutch on Broomstick gone ahead, they would have had decent radar. BTW the RN did not fit better radars as a result of the Falklands; the Batch 2 had them and performed better than the Batch 1.
True the poor initial radar fit was acknowledged prior to the Falklands but you ignore the other points I make as to why the type 42’s design was poor as initially produced, as ever I point out they evolved into a much better design closer to the original.
1805 Said
On Sea Wolf record, both T22 where damaged by aircraft that where so close, there is little doubts if an Exocet had been fired at them, they would have had no more chance of survival than a T42. The later pairing with T42s did not deliver any better results, just done out of desperation.
The T42 stayed in service because they had something the T22 did not have, a powerful area missile.
I have not mentioned Sea Wolf but again it has evolved into a decent weapon system as computer systems improved over time nothing like real ops to show the demerits of a system (or the merits of Sea Skua) hence the need for layered defences.
The 22's might well have got the exocet if it came close enough to them I think I remember one of the 42's claiming one with the 4.5! :eek
There are many things that could have improved the T42 at far less cost, than fitting Sea Wolf. If they had not fitted the 4.5” and instead installed an OTO 76mm and a Phalanx, you would have improved top weight and capability significantly.
But they didn’t they were to busy saving money (new systems new expense) because that’s what the treasury wanted along with selling the invincibles which will be as much if not more of a mistake today as it was then if rumors re selling the QE's to India are correct. What price energy security then people!
I have said before, in view of the tight funding the RN would have been better off not developing Sea Wolf and focusing getting Sea Dart right, and buying or even developing their own Gatling CIWS, which could have been retrofitted more easily.
Hindsight is a wonderful thing (we all use it) but as I have said before prior to the events of 1982 those of us serving were saying that the type 42 was under armed and how muich we wanted a seawolf fitted.