More gloom and doom in the press today

Control of Royal Marines could be handed to the Army instead of Navy
If there is any truth to this it would seem that the Government really are trying to bring the UK down to size!
When you consider the original Commando's were army units and most of the support (artillery, amroured recce, engineering) are all drawn from army units then what's the big deal. As long as they retain the All Arms Commando Course who cares. If this saves on bureaucracy and unnecessary duplication, allowing money to be spent on front line equipment then crack-on.
The UK could more closely align it's SF community, as follows:
Tier One: SBS/SAS - recruits drawn from all branches of the military
Tier Two: 1 SFSG (1 para + RAF Reg Sqn), 2 SFSG (40 Army Commando + RAF Reg Sqn), 1 x Special Reconnaissance Regiment.
Tier Three: Land (2 & 3 Para), Maritime (42 & 45 Army Commando)
All placed under a single unified SF Command. let's stop being nostalgic and look at the need to standardise command, control and equipment across the primary land/sea fighting units. I would rather see this approach than watch the Navy cut a Commando to buy a few more hulls.
Historically marines where there to fight in the rigging tops and to stop boarding parties, later they would man the X or Y turret, provide raiding parties etc. In todays context they are amphib infantry, more likely to be seen fighting on land than at sea ship to ship. In the UK context more than likely under an Army General.
The issue here is one of budgets, the Navy needs cash to buy big ticket items (Carrier strike, SSBN, SSN, F35B's), taking out the Commando brigade and moving it under the army budget frees up cash.
To quote Army General Sir David Richards, the next Chief of the Defence Staff:
“You need green and brown water fleets ... that allow you to reach into ungoverned space and make your presence felt.” He appeciates the importance of maitaining a maritime amphib fighting capability and I belive he has a much better 'grip' of what the RM Commando's can do than your average Admiral.