The question is how would not shoring up some of these regimes have helped our security? How would walking around with a Halo on our head, full of righteousness, kept communism out of South America, or Africa, of for that matter, S/E Asia? Sometimes there is no right or wrong ,simply the "smart" thing to do.
Depends upon whether you believe you are following a moral course of action or not. Sometimes doing things the right way is far more important than merely doing things. Supporting those odious regimes betrayed the very principles that the US claimed it was attempting to uphold.
An example would be post WW-ll Japan and Douglas MacArthur. He kept the Japanese royal family safe from war prosecutions even tho they were guilty as hell. And he did it in order to ensure a smooth transition and Japanese acceptance of the new constitution,and instead only prosecuted token Japanese commanders. He protected the royal family from the shame of a trial because he knew to the Japanese it would have been like prosecuting Jesus Christ and would have caused untold problems.
The Brits screamed bloody murder, the Aussies screamed bloody murder, as did the Koreans and Chinese. But MacArthur knew a stable democratic Japan was a linchpin to the future security of Asia and the containment of communism. Sometimes there is no right or wrong tho it sometimes seems only Americas decisions are looked under a microscope.
I am sure the victims of Japan's aggression are very glad that Macarthur protected Hirohito. I am also sure that many of them wondered who they fought the war for - themselves or as a means to ensuring that American hegeamony was ensured after the war finished. From an American perspective, I am sure that you believe Macarthur did the right thing. From the perspective of a family who had members who died and were damaged fighting the Japanese, as well as one who was a PoW, I can assure you we always believed that Hirohito should have been hung from the nearest lamp post.
Surpassed by who? And you know what my point was.
Japan, Singapore, Malaysia, to name but three. Appears we fought a war for different reasons...
Now what war are you talking about?
The threat of triggering ANZUS deters any attacker because the threat of engaging the USN gives them zero chance of winning. Let alone Australia's 1st rate naval and air forces. But with USN involvement its zero!
Does it deter them? As I've pointed out, it is now public knowledge that we thought about invoking A**US and when approached your government were told no uncertain terms doing so would be pointless. Now, if your government is not going to stand by its obligations and if those obligations are merely to "consult", what is the value of the Treaty except as a firelighter?
You obviously need to read your own sources: said:
Prepared by the Soviet General Staff and found in the Czech military archives in Prague, the war plan (written in Russian) assumes an initial NATO strike quickly repulsed with a Soviet-led offensive into western Europe...
Appears to have been made on the assumption that this was a defensive war, not an offensive one as you are obviously attempting to imply.
I dont think any of them did. But maybe the Cold WAr was before your time. And since your position is weak its give an excuse for your implied insult.
Excuse me? I lived through the Cold War. Try again.
Nope, and last time I checked the ones who did it are in jail.
As guards? Appears to be continuing at the Guantnamo Bay Hilton.
I guess in the future you'll mention the hundreds of nations who torture with Government consent as a regular occurrence. And if you call keeping someone awake or dousing them with water "torture" then you have lived a very sheltered life. "BTW have you ever condemned China"? Or is business to good?
I have condemned China. Have you? Doesn't the PRC have "most favoured nation" trading status with the US?
You just strike me as a guy who would see the negative concerning America no matter what. Even worse, your whining. And your comments have gone far past any objective analysis of a perceived failure on our part. Even worse, you are re-writing history in an attempt to trivialize what is, in effect, one of the greatest alliances in recent times. Thats their goal you know. Its why they have directed so many resources to threatening England. If the enemy can destroy these alliances of free nations then we will all be more vulnerable. The Soviets spent considerable resources trying to weaken NATO in the same way, and, with some success.
Are you attempting to imply that I am either a sympathiser or in the pay of the Terrorists? If so, then you are very badly mistaken. As for your claim that I have attempted to "rewrite history" is very laughable. If this Alliance is so great, then why do so many Australians feel they are being treated so badly by the United States?
Sounds like good advice for anyone. But we dont vote in Australia. For the record I believe the only "peace dividend" any of us will see is when we are buried. There is no free lunch for freedom.
Each to their own. I believe peace can be achieved through fostering good relations with one's neighbours.
Actually the figure is closer to 800 to 900. And yes, they have over 1,000 missiles.
And they are all ICBMs? That webpage suggests that in reality only some 52 constitute a threat to either the USA or Oz. You don't think that the USA has rather overwhelming superiority in weapon systems?
And sure they do. Just like we have the right to suspend our obligations under ANZUS with New Zealand. Or did they think we would still come to their defense even tho our ships couldn't port there? I remember that David Lange guy and his sniveling over how Ronald Reagan was confronting the Soviet Union. And it was precisely Reagan's policies and Yank commitment that led to the Soviet Unions collapse.
Let me address the first point about New Zealand. I have no concern about your nation suspending its "obligations" (slight as they were) under ANZUS and deciding to withdraw from its alliance with that nation. However, I am concerned with your nation's decision to punish New Zealand for making the decision to exercise its sovereignity over its ports. New Zealand was treated very shabbily indeed, losing access to US markets and being barred from purchasing US military equipment under the MAP programme. It was frozen out diplomatically and essentially told that it must allow US nuclear warships to enter its harbour, under US government conditions or its economy would be destroyed. The US chose to bully New Zealand. David Lange decided quite sensibly that this was not tolerable and refused to buckle under. All I can do is heap praise upon him for the bravery of his actions.
As to the second point, about Reagan causing the end of the Cold War. Well, I suppose we all have to hug something to ourselves at night when we go to sleep.
Nope! But you "have a lot of nerve". So your close.
I don't shy away from making a point when I feel I need to, Rich. It appears that in doing so, you see this as a personal attack upon yourself, rather than an attempt to criticise both the way your and my nations have acted. I merely seek a more independent and assertive stance for my own nation. I feel we have lived in the shadow of our "great and powerful friends" for too long and we have lost too many Australian lives fighting too many foreign wars for other nations to protect their interests, rather than our own.