chinawhite said:
... if you compare each year the T-64 and T-72 variants were in service prior to 1990. The T-64 was the better tank in terms of performace and technology in each year of service
Agree with u ('before 1990') but this fact had got clear explanation: from UVZ the SU goverment asked only 'economic class' export-oriented tank with extremally low cost. After this restriction was taken away, UVZ exelent designers capability was emerged with T-90 program. They put the russian 'last and best' on the well proved (and slightly improved) T-72 chassis-powerplant platform and gain their new highly competitive product: the tank T-90.
eckherl said:
Is Pakistan still working on a tank with the Chineese, how much of that technology comes from the T-72 besides the main gun.
- First, Pakistan is still working on Al-Khalid with Ukraine with more depth that with China (FCS, gun, ERA, composite armor, power plant and transmission, ADS, mashin gun etc.) Indeed, only the chassis/hull/turret mainframe is come via China. Second, also the gun, the ukrainian 'shtora-like' ADS, chinese chassis - are also unlicension monkey copies of Russian stuff, and we have to be educated about the difference between true Rollex and 'made in Hong-Kong Rollex' yeah? However the engine, the FCS, the last variant of ERA ('Nozh'), - are relative independently developed Ukrainian stuff .