Syria says repulses Israeli jets

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Defense Professional
Verified Defense Pro
But they found the droptanks in Turkey so it looks liken this was not a planned drop but that they had to get some more speed and agility to evade whatever the Syrians threw at them.


Super Moderator
.... otherwise I'd rather try to land at the old Kai-Tek in a mild hurricane.
I once took off from Kai Tak in the tail-end of a typhoon. The elevated sections of the MTR were still closed, & the ferries not running. It was a right pain getting to the airport, & I can tell you Hong Kong cabbies know all about price gouging. The take off was not as bad as you might think. The buildings sheltered the runway from most of the wind.
metro said:
The Israelis are definitely not letting much out about this one, even the people I know over there who can't avoid talking anytime (you just have to ask twice) are playing dumb & dumber.
The Israelis are keeping quiet because they dont want to say anything to agitate the Syrians anymore. Assad is facing pressure to retaliate from some in his inner circle. Both the Israeli and Syrian military are on full alert after this incident.

F-15 Eagle

New Member
Mod: F-15 Eagle you have already been banned & now you are back to your old tricks. Insulting other nation's/country's armed forces is not allowed here. I have already deleted one of your useless one liners, which also is not allowed on this forum. Why don't you go to a place with people of your own intellect - a Kindergarten might perhaps be a better place.

I am going to refer you for a ban again ... a month or perhaps for ever.

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Super Moderator
Staff member
Ha this article is funny, the Syrians could not even repuse the Israeli jets even if they try let alone a war, beacuse their too scared to attack the Israeli's because they know if they do it will destroy their country.
And your evidence for that sweeping statement is?

It is fine to voice one's opinion on something, but when making statements, please provide supporting facts.

Also, the above statement treads close to crossing the lines of acceptable posts as covered in the #'s 3, 8 and 15.



New Member
Here is a very interesting article from Haaretz.

What is Israel playing at? Reading between the lines a little and it looks like the Israelies were trying to provoke a reaction. Coupled with the fact that there not going into Gaza in retaliation for the rocket attack on the IDF training camp, and it starts looking ominous for Syria.

1/ Large scale military manouvers in the Golan Heights during the last few months

2/ Gradual disengagement from Gaza, refusal to engage in ground missions over the last month.

3/ Provoctive actions on the Syrian border, possible air attack on Syrian territory

4/ Repeated declearations that war is the last thing Israel wants.

If I was a Syrian Commander I would be feeling very nervous right now....


New Member
Here is a very interesting article from Haaretz.

What is Israel playing at? Reading between the lines a little and it looks like the Israelies were trying to provoke a reaction. Coupled with the fact that there not going into Gaza in retaliation for the rocket attack on the IDF training camp, and it starts looking ominous for Syria.

1/ Large scale military manouvers in the Golan Heights during the last few months

2/ Gradual disengagement from Gaza, refusal to engage in ground missions over the last month.

3/ Provoctive actions on the Syrian border, possible air attack on Syrian territory

4/ Repeated declearations that war is the last thing Israel wants.

If I was a Syrian Commander I would be feeling very nervous right now....
that article gave a lot of info about the whole event.
breaking the sound barrier over enemy space is not unheard of, especially when you want to project an advantage you have over someone.

Firing live missiles just to project dominance is new (at least i have never read about something like this), well then again it is Israel and they will bring a gun if you bring a knife.

anyhow, the article quoted syrian officials

"All countries in the region must show respect to all countries' sovereignty and avoid acts that lead to tensions," Babacan said. "Otherwise, tensions would be fueled, and peace and stability in the region might be harmed."

Well Syria is not exactly showering roses over Tel Aviv, and it is not exactly the France-Monaco border, however i think still the only reason Israel will fly over Syria might be to collect some electronic intelligence.

The days for photographic reconnaissance using jets for a nation like Israel are gone.

even that would not explain live missile fire, i mean of all the nations in this world, Israel is the last one who needs to show what it can do.


The Bunker Group
Verified Defense Pro
It is being reported on CNN news that this was a deliberate attack by Israeli forces going after terrorist weapons being shipped from Syria and Iran. Israel seems to be satisfied with the results.


Active Member
It is being reported on CNN news that this was a deliberate attack by Israeli forces going after terrorist weapons being shipped from Syria and Iran. Israel seems to be satisfied with the results.
the bbc has reported that there was an actual attack to stop arms going to hezbollah:

still, i have to say the israelis going after syria might not be something america wants right now, as a question of giving evidence as to whether there is greater stability in the region as a result of more us forces.


The Bunker Group
Verified Defense Pro
the bbc has reported that there was an actual attack to stop arms going to hezbollah:

still, i have to say the israelis going after syria might not be something america wants right now, as a question of giving evidence as to whether there is greater stability in the region as a result of more us forces.
I agree - all this will do for U.S and coalition forces is give them more things to worry about with Iran and Syria stepping up even more support for the terrorist cells in Iraq. With Syria making a formal complaint to Turkey it will be interesting to see what the Turkish response will be.


Active Member
just as interesting will be whether iran makes any comment, as it was iranian military hardware allegedly. one wonders if syrias response is to increase arms flow into lebanon? it is curious that syrias version does not mention the actual attack, just the entry into syrian airspace. iranian military hardware in syria is not something to hide, given it was in their last (?) agreement, signed a year ago or so, and openly so.
just as interesting will be whether iran makes any comment, as it was iranian military hardware allegedly
They have condemed the Israeli air strike. Here are two quotes
foreign ministry spokesman Mohammad Ali Hosseini as saying: “This shameful and provocative act aims at carrying the crises and internal problems outside the (Israeli) frontiers and creating insecurity in the region.”,7340,L-3447223,00.html
"Based on discussions at the Organization of the Islamic Conference, an attack against any Muslim country amount to an attack against all Muslim countries … That's a legitimate right," said Gholam Hussein Elham when asked whether Iran will defend Syria if it were attacked by Israel. (Dudi Cohen)
It is curious that syrias version does not mention the actual attack, just the entry into syrian airspace.
Its was a calculated move not to mention it for obvious reasons.
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New Member
Israel is provoking a war with such acts. If Syria responds or if acts such as these escalate in to a much bigger regional crisis, there would be no excuses left for Israel to appear a victim & crying foul over Hezbollah or for any other reasons then, would not count for much.


Defense Professional
Verified Defense Pro
There was no war after they buzzed the presidents palace...

And if it was without good reason is doubtfull.

If they really interdicted weapons transports I cannot blame them for it. The UNIFIL mission is nearly useless in this aspect.
Where do you think alle the weapons for Hez are coming from?


New Member
That doesn't give Israel the license to illegally break in to sovereign airspace of another country. Apart from all its law defying 'style', such acts are deemed hostile and could easily be used as excuse by Syria, Iran & Hezbollah to reaffirm their positions as being at the mercy of the 'Israeli aggressors'. That last part, does not help Israel's already murky reputation/standing in the region.


Defense Professional
Verified Defense Pro
Letting weapons shipments freely flow into the Libanon isn't helping them either...

And arming Hezbollah to the teeth is for sure something which could also be interpreted as hostile.


New Member
Which brings us back to the whole historical issue at hand. Hezbollah is a reaction. The action that set forth such reaction needs to be diagnosed & solved.


Defense Professional
Verified Defense Pro
And what would solve the problem in your eyes?
Remove Israel?

What would be a good solution to the problem of weapons shipments?
Obviously UNIFIL is not able (Or better doesn't want to risk that much) to stop weapons from flowing into Libanon.
Syria and Iran go on shipping these weapons.

So what should Israel do?


Banned Member
Here is a very interesting article from Haaretz.

What is Israel playing at? Reading between the lines a little ...
Actually, also reading the lines left unfinished
European diplomats quoted Syrian Foreign Minister Walid Moallem as saying Monday that the IAF warplanes that violated Syria's airspace fired missiles at targets on the ground, but did not cause any damage.
...did not cause any damage to Syrian equipment...but probably caused a lot of damage to equipment which still belonged to someone else?

Israelis are rarely happy about a result of an operation that causes no damage :)



New Member
Letting weapons shipments freely flow into the Libanon isn't helping them either...

And arming Hezbollah to the teeth is for sure something which could also be interpreted as hostile.
I agree. One of UNIFILS was to keep Hizbollah from rearming. For whatever reason, it failed. I don't blame/envy the soldiers on the ground as mandate is as strong s the paper it's written other men working in their nice US high rise have other concerns.

UNILFIL has been able to collect a lot of intel especially from ships in the area (which has been truly valuable).

One should note, that for an "unknown reason," the only people making noise about this, is NK, Iran, Syria, and Hizbollah (Russia has tried to distance itself & has told the others to "stay quiet."

The rest of the Arab world put out press reports, however they were written in the same way as when King Abdullah tacitly gave the Arab
people/state the "right" to not get on the bandwagon of the three, noted: /Iran/Syria/Hizbollah.

This was huge as Syria, Hizbollah, Hamas, always felt that they had endless friends with oil, who could/would protect them in one way or another, no matter what they did.

Now, everything is quiet about what the IAF did (almost completely) in the Arab Press!?! A strong message was sent in two "unexpected" ways: first the IAF flying around in Syria, and the reaction AKA. "Arab message".

Also, we all know the UN's resolutions keep them busy. There are so many, but Israel has its own book which says "Caution do not lift w/o a crane";)

As we know personally, we have are own innate bias', and so do all the large media houses. But almost none have been relatively "loud/up-in-arms" about the IAF flights.

Looking at Europe's leaders and papers, Israelis, for the most part feel "Any European story is a good story as long as it will make Israel look bad.":rel ;) Yet, there has been a far more muted tone now, not slanted--not something that should be dismissed by someone observant.

US media has been doing the same, (okay, I know you want to 'add something here':D --but don't hate, just debate) didn't even put the almost permanent "....but, Israel should show restraint" line in.

What this has done is almost completely isolated Syria, by the world acting like "Syria's game is over, if they decide to break ties w/Iran/Hizbollah, we can talk. Otherwise they're on there own and what happens, happens."

But about the actual reasons for the flights:
1)Syria wasn't just importing junk or the regular arms to Syria, they were actually "importing/unloading" the Shihab 3 missile. As I mentioned before, this is at/near an IRGC base in Syria that is "owned" by Iran.

2)These missiles can hit all of Europe from Syria. They can also carry whatever. The US and SA has been trying to make Syria collapse for a long time, as it can be argued that pulling Syria out of Iran's arms, could be the Key to Iran's planning.

If the IAF destroyed these imports, the reason for political siLence from everywhere around the world, speaks volumes.

One might notice/read that many of the "most trusted" people in Iran, were relieved of their duties. As someone else noted, Assad is sitting on the fence. Hamas, is firing 10-20 Kassams/day and getting little reaction* from Israel showing Hamas to be weak and not dependable. *This may not stay true after Hamas hit a IDF Base.

Putting it all together for the IAF flight:
1)Destroy the missiles that were most likely tracked all the way, and the significance of that missile.
2)Recon (perhaps of port Syrian/Russian)
3)Test the Syrian MD.
4)Finally (deterrence), make a statement with a big bang.

The IAF, said, "Hello (we were here)! Goodbye (we're leaving alone, as nobody wanted to meet me) and "Peace." Which can be summed up in one word: Shalom:cheers

As always, JMHO!
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