Letting weapons shipments freely flow into the Libanon isn't helping them either...
And arming Hezbollah to the teeth is for sure something which could also be interpreted as hostile.
I agree. One of UNIFILS was to keep Hizbollah from rearming. For whatever reason, it failed. I don't blame/envy the soldiers on the ground as mandate is as strong s the paper it's written other men working in their nice US high rise have other concerns.
UNILFIL has been able to collect a lot of intel especially from ships in the area (which has been truly valuable).
One should note, that for an "unknown reason," the only people making noise about this, is NK, Iran, Syria, and Hizbollah (Russia has tried to distance itself & has told the others to "stay quiet."
The rest of the Arab world put out press reports, however they were written in the same way as when King Abdullah tacitly gave the Arab
people/state the "right" to not get on the bandwagon of the three, noted: /Iran/Syria/Hizbollah.
This was huge as Syria, Hizbollah, Hamas, always felt that they had endless friends with oil, who could/would protect them in one way or another, no matter what they did.
Now, everything is quiet about what the IAF did (almost completely) in the Arab Press!?! A strong message was sent in two "unexpected" ways: first the IAF flying around in Syria, and the reaction AKA. "Arab message".
Also, we all know the UN's resolutions keep them busy. There are so many, but Israel has its own book which says "Caution do not lift w/o a crane"
As we know personally, we have are own innate bias', and so do all the large media houses. But almost none have been relatively "loud/up-in-arms" about the IAF flights.
Looking at Europe's leaders and papers, Israelis, for the most part feel "Any European story is a good story as long as it will make Israel look bad.":rel

Yet, there has been a far more muted tone now, not slanted--not something that should be dismissed by someone observant.
US media has been doing the same, (okay, I know you want to 'add something here'

but don't hate, just debate) didn't even put the almost permanent "....but, Israel should show restraint" line in.
What this has done is almost completely isolated Syria, by the world acting like "Syria's game is over, if they decide to break ties w/Iran/Hizbollah, we can talk. Otherwise they're on there own and what happens, happens."
But about the actual reasons for the flights:
1)Syria wasn't just importing junk or the regular arms to Syria, they were actually "importing/unloading" the Shihab 3 missile. As I mentioned before, this is at/near an IRGC base in Syria that is "owned" by Iran.
2)These missiles can hit all of Europe from Syria. They can also carry whatever. The US and SA has been trying to make Syria collapse for a long time, as it can be argued that pulling Syria out of Iran's arms, could be the Key to Iran's planning.
If the IAF destroyed these imports, the reason for political siLence from everywhere around the world, speaks volumes.
One might notice/read that many of the "most trusted" people in Iran, were relieved of their duties. As someone else noted, Assad is sitting on the fence. Hamas, is firing 10-20 Kassams/day and getting little reaction* from Israel showing Hamas to be weak and not dependable. *This may not stay true after Hamas hit a IDF Base.
Putting it all together for the IAF flight:
1)Destroy the missiles that were most likely tracked all the way, and the significance of that missile.
2)Recon (perhaps of port Syrian/Russian)
3)Test the Syrian MD.
4)Finally (deterrence), make a statement with a big bang.
The IAF, said, "Hello (we were here)! Goodbye (we're leaving alone, as nobody wanted to meet me) and "Peace." Which can be summed up in one word:
As always, JMHO!