About that ablative cooling idea: I dont think that you could controll the process so that the shock cone geometry still works for the inlet. Whatever you do, the nose will be degraded to a blunted cone, but you need a pointy one for your inlet. Plus you wouldn't want hot gases and particles from your ablative material enter the missile.
And what for should RAM be good? A supersonic missile trails a ionic tail that is very visible on radar. So no use trying to get a low signature in the X and S bands. And a low signature in the Ku-band is also not very useful since a mach 2 missile is glowing in the IR spectrum like a flare.
And I bet being hit head-on by (multiple) projectiles alone (w/o pentration) transfers enough impuls so that the missile is simply catapulted out of the flight path; at least the sensors would be destroyed, since those can't be armored. I mean, the Bradley IFV needs more than 100mm of spaced compund armor to be protected against 14.5mm AP projectiles, so what do you think the armor against a 20mm AP projectile would look like? Even taking into account the flat angle the projectiles hit. Look at those videos where a CIWS destroys a Mk.8x bomb! There is no way you can armor a missile; it's not one of those 16in Mk8 projectiles.
And what for should RAM be good? A supersonic missile trails a ionic tail that is very visible on radar. So no use trying to get a low signature in the X and S bands. And a low signature in the Ku-band is also not very useful since a mach 2 missile is glowing in the IR spectrum like a flare.
And I bet being hit head-on by (multiple) projectiles alone (w/o pentration) transfers enough impuls so that the missile is simply catapulted out of the flight path; at least the sensors would be destroyed, since those can't be armored. I mean, the Bradley IFV needs more than 100mm of spaced compund armor to be protected against 14.5mm AP projectiles, so what do you think the armor against a 20mm AP projectile would look like? Even taking into account the flat angle the projectiles hit. Look at those videos where a CIWS destroys a Mk.8x bomb! There is no way you can armor a missile; it's not one of those 16in Mk8 projectiles.